layout: post
title: “Using F# for development and devops scripts”
description: “Twenty six low-risk ways to use F# at work (part 2)”
categories: []
seriesId: “Low-risk ways to use F# at work”
seriesOrder: 2

This post is a continuation of the series on low-risk ways to use F# at work.
I’ve been suggesting a number of ways you can get your hands dirty with F# in a low-risk, incremental way, without affecting any mission critical code.

In this one, we’ll talk about using F# for builds and other development and devops scripts.

If you’re new to F#, you might want to read the sections on getting started and
working with NuGet in the previous post.

Series contents

Here’s a list of shortcuts to the twenty six ways:

Part 1 - Using F# to explore and develop interactively

1. Use F# to explore the .NET framework interactively

2. Use F# to test your own code interactively

3. Use F# to play with webservices interactively

4. Use F# to play with UI’s interactively

Part 2 - Using F# for development and devops scripts

5. Use FAKE for build and CI scripts

6. An F# script to check that a website is responding

7. An F# script to convert an RSS feed into CSV

8. An F# script that uses WMI to check the stats of a process

9. Use F# for configuring and managing the cloud

Part 3 - Using F# for testing

10. Use F# to write unit tests with readable names

11. Use F# to run unit tests programmatically

12. Use F# to learn to write unit tests in other ways

13. Use FsCheck to write better unit tests

14. Use FsCheck to create random dummy data

15. Use F# to create mocks

16. Use F# to do automated browser testing

17. Use F# for Behaviour Driven Development

Part 4. Using F# for database related tasks

18. Use F# to replace LINQpad

19. Use F# to unit test stored procedures

20. Use FsCheck to generate random database records

21. Use F# to do simple ETL

22. Use F# to generate SQL Agent scripts

Part 5: Other interesting ways of using F#

23. Use F# for parsing

24. Use F# for diagramming and visualization

25. Use F# for accessing web-based data stores

26. Use F# for data science and machine learning

(BONUS) 27: Balance the generation schedule for the UK power station fleet

Part 2: Using F# for development and devops scripts

The next set of suggestions relates to using F# for the various scripts that revolve around development activities: builds, continuous integration, deployment, etc.

For these kinds of small tasks, you need a good scripting language with a REPL.
You could use PowerShell, or ScriptCS, or even Python. But why not give F# a go?

  • F# feels lightweight like Python (few or no type declarations).
  • F# can access .NET libraries, both the core ones and those downloaded via NuGet.
  • F# has type providers (a big advantage over PowerShell and ScriptCS) that let you easily access a wide range of data sources.
  • All this in a concise, type-safe manner, with intellisense too!

Using F# in this way will allow you and your fellow developers to use F# code to solve practical problems.
There shouldn’t be any resistance from managers for this low-risk approach — in the worse case you can easily switch to using a different tool.

A hidden agenda, of course, is that once your fellow developers get a chance to play with F#, they’ll be hooked,
and you’ll be one step closer to using F# end to end!

What can you do with F# scripts?

In the next few sections we’ll see three examples of F# scripts:

But of course, you can integrate F# scripts with almost any .NET library. Here are other suggestions for utilities that can be scripted:

  • Simple file copying, directory traversal, and archiving (e.g. of log files).
    If you’re using .NET 4.5, you can use the new System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive
    class to do zipping and unzipping without needing a third party library.
  • Doing things with JSON, either with a known format
    (using the JSON Type Provider)
    or unknown format (using the JSON parser).
  • Interacting with GitHub using Octokit.
  • Extracting data from, or manipulating data in, Excel. F# supports COM for doing Office automation, or you can use one of the type providers or libraries.
  • Doing numerics with Math.NET.
  • Web crawling, link checking, and screenscraping. The built-in async workflows and agents make this kind of “multithreaded” code very easy to write.
  • Scheduling things with Quartz.NET.

If these suggestions whet your interest, and you want to use more F#, then check out the F# community projects page.
It’s a great source of useful libraries being written for F#, and most of them will work well with F# scripting.

Debugging F# scripts

A great thing about using F# scripts is that you don’t need to create a whole project, nor launch Visual Studio.

But if you need to debug a script, and you’re not in Visual Studio, what can you do? Here are some tips:

  • First, you can just use tried and true printing to the console using printfn.
    I generally wrap this in a simple log function so that I can turn logging on or off with a flag.
  • You can use the FsEye tool to inspect and watch variables in an interactive session.
  • Finally, you can still use the Visual Studio debugger. The trick is to attach the debugger to the
    fsi.exe process, and then you can use Debugger.Break
    to halt at a certain point.

5. Use FAKE for build and CI scripts

The code for this section is available on github.

Let’s start with FAKE, which is a cross platform build automation tool written in F#, analogous to Ruby’s Rake.

FAKE has built-in support for git, NuGet, unit tests, Octopus Deploy, Xamarin and more, and makes it easy to develop complex scripts with dependencies.

You can even use it with TFS to avoid using XAML.

One reason to use FAKE rather than something like Rake is that you can standardize on .NET code throughout your tool chain.
In theory, you could use NAnt instead, but in practice, no thanks, because XML.
PSake is also a possibility, but more complicated than FAKE, I think.

You can also use FAKE to remove dependencies on a particular build server. For example, rather than using TeamCity’s integration to run tests and other tasks,
you might consider doing them in FAKE instead, which means you can run full builds
without having TeamCity installed.

Here’s an example of a very simple FAKE script, taken from a more detailed example on the FAKE site.

  1. // Include Fake lib
  2. // Assumes NuGet has been used to fetch the FAKE libraries
  3. #r "packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
  4. open Fake
  5. // Properties
  6. let buildDir = "./build/"
  7. // Targets
  8. Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
  9. CleanDir buildDir
  10. )
  11. Target "Default" (fun _ ->
  12. trace "Hello World from FAKE"
  13. )
  14. // Dependencies
  15. "Clean"
  16. ==> "Default"
  17. // start build
  18. RunTargetOrDefault "Default"

The syntax takes a little getting used to, but that effort is well spent.

Some further reading on FAKE:

6. An F# script to check that a website is responding

The code for this section is available on github.

This script checks that a website is responding with a 200.
This might be useful as the basis for a post-deployment smoke test, for example.

  1. // Requires FSharp.Data under script directory
  2. // nuget install FSharp.Data -o Packages -ExcludeVersion
  3. #r @"Packages\FSharp.Data\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll"
  4. open FSharp.Data
  5. let queryServer uri queryParams =
  6. try
  7. let response = Http.Request(uri, query=queryParams, silentHttpErrors = true)
  8. Some response
  9. with
  10. | :? System.Net.WebException as ex -> None
  11. let sendAlert uri message =
  12. // send alert via email, say
  13. printfn "Error for %s. Message=%O" uri message
  14. let checkServer (uri,queryParams) =
  15. match queryServer uri queryParams with
  16. | Some response ->
  17. printfn "Response for %s is %O" uri response.StatusCode
  18. if (response.StatusCode <> 200) then
  19. sendAlert uri response.StatusCode
  20. | None ->
  21. sendAlert uri "No response"
  22. // test the sites
  23. let google = "", ["q","fsharp"]
  24. let bad = "http://example.bad", []
  25. [google;bad]
  26. |> List.iter checkServer

The result is:

  1. Response for is 200
  2. Error for http://example.bad. Message=No response

Note that I’m using the Http utilities code in Fsharp.Data, which provides a nice wrapper around HttpClient.
More on HttpUtilities here.

7. An F# script to convert an RSS feed into CSV

The code for this section is available on github.

Here’s a little script that uses the Xml type provider to parse an RSS feed (in this case, F# questions on StackOverflow)
and convert it to a CSV file for later analysis.

Note that the RSS parsing code is just one line of code! Most of the code is concerned with writing the CSV.
Yes, I could have used a CSV library (there are lots on NuGet) but I thought I’d leave it as is to show you how simple it is.

  1. // sets the current directory to be same as the script directory
  2. System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__)
  3. // Requires FSharp.Data under script directory
  4. // nuget install FSharp.Data -o Packages -ExcludeVersion
  5. #r @"Packages\FSharp.Data\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll"
  6. #r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
  7. open FSharp.Data
  8. type Rss = XmlProvider<"">
  9. // prepare a string for writing to CSV
  10. let prepareStr obj =
  11. obj.ToString()
  12. .Replace("\"","\"\"") // replace single with double quotes
  13. |> sprintf "\"%s\"" // surround with quotes
  14. // convert a list of strings to a CSV
  15. let listToCsv list =
  16. let combine s1 s2 = s1 + "," + s2
  17. list
  18. |> prepareStr
  19. |> Seq.reduce combine
  20. // extract fields from Entry
  21. let extractFields (entry:Rss.Entry) =
  22. [entry.Title.Value;
  23. entry.Author.Name;
  24. entry.Published.ToShortDateString()]
  25. // write the lines to a file
  26. do
  27. use writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter("fsharp-questions.csv")
  28. let feed = Rss.GetSample()
  29. feed.Entries
  30. |> (extractFields >> listToCsv)
  31. |> Seq.iter writer.WriteLine
  32. // writer will be closed automatically at the end of this scope

Note that the type provider generates intellisense (shown below) to show you the available properties based on the actual contents of the feed. That’s very cool.

Using F# for development and devops scripts - 图1

The result is something like this:

  1. "Optimising F# answer for Euler #4","DropTheTable","18/04/2014"
  2. "How to execute a function, that creates a lot of objects, in parallel?","Lawrence Woodman","01/04/2014"
  3. "How to invoke a user defined function using R Type Provider","Dave","19/04/2014"
  4. "Two types that use themselves","trn","19/04/2014"
  5. "How does function [x] -> ... work","egerhard","19/04/2014"

For more on the XML type provider, see the FSharp.Data pages.

8. An F# script that uses WMI to check the stats of a process

The code for this section is available on github.

If you use Windows, being able to access WMI is very useful.
Luckily there is an F# type provider for WMI that makes using it easy.

In this example, we’ll get the system time and also check some stats for a process.
This could be useful during and after a load test, for example.

  1. // sets the current directory to be same as the script directory
  2. System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__)
  3. // Requires FSharp.Management under script directory
  4. // nuget install FSharp.Management -o Packages -ExcludeVersion
  5. #r @"System.Management.dll"
  6. #r @"Packages\FSharp.Management\lib\net40\FSharp.Management.dll"
  7. #r @"Packages\FSharp.Management\lib\net40\FSharp.Management.WMI.dll"
  8. open FSharp.Management
  9. // get data for the local machine
  10. type Local = WmiProvider<"localhost">
  11. let data = Local.GetDataContext()
  12. // get the time and timezone on the machine
  13. let time = data.Win32_UTCTime |> Seq.head
  14. let tz = data.Win32_TimeZone |> Seq.head
  15. printfn "Time=%O-%O-%O %O:%O:%O" time.Year time.Month time.Day time.Hour time.Minute time.Second
  16. printfn "Timezone=%O" tz.StandardName
  17. // find the "explorer" process
  18. let explorerProc =
  19. data.Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process
  20. |> Seq.find (fun proc -> proc.Name.Contains("explorer") )
  21. // get stats about it
  22. printfn "ElapsedTime=%O" explorerProc.ElapsedTime
  23. printfn "ThreadCount=%O" explorerProc.ThreadCount
  24. printfn "HandleCount=%O" explorerProc.HandleCount
  25. printfn "WorkingSetPeak=%O" explorerProc.WorkingSetPeak
  26. printfn "PageFileBytesPeak=%O" explorerProc.PageFileBytesPeak

The output is something like this:

  1. Time=2014-4-20 14:2:35
  2. Timezone=GMT Standard Time
  3. ElapsedTime=2761906
  4. ThreadCount=67
  5. HandleCount=3700
  6. WorkingSetPeak=168607744
  7. PageFileBytesPeak=312565760

Again, using a type provider means that you get intellisense (shown below). Very useful for the hundreds of WMI options.

Using F# for development and devops scripts - 图2

More on the WMI type provider here.

9. Use F# for configuring and managing the cloud

One area which deserves special mention is using F# for configuring and managing cloud services.
The cloud page at has many helpful links.

For simple scripting, Fog is a nice wrapper for Azure.

So for example, to upload a blob, the code is as simple as this:

  1. UploadBlob "testcontainer" "testblob" "This is a test" |> ignore

or to add and receive messages:

  1. AddMessage "testqueue" "This is a test message" |> ignore
  2. let result = GetMessages "testqueue" 20 5
  3. for m in result do
  4. DeleteMessage "testqueue" m

What’s especially nice about using F# for this is that you can do it in micro scripts — you don’t need any heavy tooling.


I hope you found these suggestions useful. Let me know in the comments if you apply them in practice.

Next up: using F# for testing.