- Browser Tools
- JS Utilities to fix Browsers:
- General Reference Tools to Determine If X Browser Supports X:
- Browser Development/Debug Tools:
- JavaScript Utilities to Determine If X Browser Supports X:
- Broad Browser Polyfills/Shims:
- Hosted Testing/Automation for Browsers:
- Headless Browsers:
- Browser Automation:
- Browser Hacks:
- Browser Syncing Tools:
- Browser List:
Browser Tools
JS Utilities to fix Browsers:
General Reference Tools to Determine If X Browser Supports X:
- Browser support for broken/missing images
- Browserscope
- caniuse.com
- Firefox Platform Status - Implementation & standardization roadmap for web platform features
- HTML5 Please
- HTML5 Test
- iwanttouse.com
- Platform Status
- web-platform-tests dashboard
- whatwebcando.today
Browser Development/Debug Tools:
- Chrome Developer Tools (aka DevTools)
- Firefox Developer Tools
- IE Developer tools (aka F12 tools)
- Safari Web Inspector
- Vorlon.js
JavaScript Utilities to Determine If X Browser Supports X:
Broad Browser Polyfills/Shims:
Hosted Testing/Automation for Browsers:
- Browserling [free to $]
- BrowserStack [$]
- CrossBrowserTesting.com [$]
- Ghost Inspector [free to $]
- Nightcloud.io
- Sauce Labs [$]
Headless Browsers:
Browser Automation:
Used for functional testing and monkey testing.
Browser Hacks:
Browser Syncing Tools:
Browser List:
Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env.