核心 Widget 目录
借助 Flutter 上关于视觉、结构、平台和交互的 widgets,我们可以快速创建出色的应用程序。除了能够按照如下类别浏览 widgets,你还可以在 Flutter Widget 目录 中查看所有的 widgets。
Accessibility Make your app accessible.
Animation and Motion Bring animations to your app.
Assets, Images, and Icons Manage assets, display images, and show icons.
Async Async patterns to your Flutter application.
Basics Widgets you absolutely need to know before building your first Flutter app.
Cupertino (iOS-style widgets) Beautiful and high-fidelity widgets for current iOS design language.
Input Take user input in addition to input widgets in Material Components and Cupertino.
Interaction Models Respond to touch events and route users to different views.
Layout Arrange other widgets columns, rows, grids, and many other layouts.
Material Components Visual, behavioral, and motion-rich widgets implementing the Material Design guidelines.
Painting and effects These widgets apply visual effects to the children without changing their layout, size, or position.
Scrolling Scroll multiple widgets as children of the parent.
Styling Manage the theme of your app, makes your app responsive to screen sizes, or add padding.
Text Display and style text.