description: An output plugin to submit Prometheus Metrics using the remote write protocol

Prometheus Remote Write

The prometheus remote write plugin allows you to take metrics from Fluent Bit and submit them to a Prometheus server through the remote write mechanism.

Important Note: The prometheus exporter only works with metric plugins, such as Node Exporter Metrics

Key Description Default
host IP address or hostname of the target HTTP Server
http_user Basic Auth Username
http_passwd Basic Auth Password. Requires HTTP_user to be set
port TCP port of the target HTTP Server 80
proxy Specify an HTTP Proxy. The expected format of this value is http://host:port. Note that https is not supported yet. Please consider not setting this and use HTTP_PROXY environment variable instead, which supports both http and https.
uri Specify an optional HTTP URI for the target web server, e.g: /something /
header Add a HTTP header key/value pair. Multiple headers can be set.
log_response_payload Log the response payload within the Fluent Bit log false

Getting Started

The Prometheus remote write plugin only works with metrics collected by one of the from metric input plugins. In the following example, host metrics are collected by the node exporter metrics plugin and then delivered by the prometheus remote write output plugin.

  1. # Node Exporter Metrics + Prometheus remote write output plugin
  2. # -------------------------------------------
  3. # The following example collects host metrics on Linux and delivers
  4. # them through the Prometheus remote write plugin to new relic :
  5. #
  6. [SERVICE]
  7. Flush 1
  8. Log_level info
  9. [INPUT]
  10. Name node_exporter_metrics
  11. Tag node_metrics
  12. Scrape_interval 2
  13. [OUTPUT]
  14. Name prometheus_remote_write
  15. Match node_metrics
  16. Host
  17. Port 443
  18. Uri /prometheus/v1/write?prometheus_server=YOUR_DATA_SOURCE_NAME
  19. Header bearer_token YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
  20. Log_response_payload True
  21. Tls On
  22. Tls.verify On
  23. # Note : it would be necessary to replace both YOUR_DATA_SOURCE_NAME and YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
  24. # with real values for this example to work.


The following are examples of using Prometheus remote write with hosted services below

Grafana Cloud

With Grafana Cloud hosted metrics you will need to use the specific host that is mentioned as well as specify the HTTP username and password given within the Grafana Cloud page.

  1. [OUTPUT]
  2. name prometheus_remote_write
  3. host
  4. match *
  5. uri /api/prom/push
  6. port 443
  7. tls on
  8. tls.verify on
  9. http_user <GRAFANA Username>
  10. http_passwd <GRAFANA Password> Infrastructure Monitoring

With hosted prometheus you will need to make use of the header option and add the Authorization Bearer with the proper key. The host and port may also differ within your specific hosted instance.

  1. [OUTPUT]
  2. name prometheus_remote_write
  3. host
  4. port 8053
  5. match *
  6. header Authorization Bearer <LOGZIO Key>
  7. tls on
  8. tls.verify on
  9. log_response_payload true


With Coralogix Metrics you may need to customize the URI. Additionally, you will make use of the header key with Coralogix private key.

  1. [OUTPUT]
  2. name prometheus_remote_write
  3. host
  4. uri prometheus/api/v1/write?appLabelName=path&subSystemLabelName=path&severityLabelName=severity
  5. match *
  6. port 443
  7. tls on
  8. tls.verify on
  9. header Authorization Bearer <CORALOGIX Key>