Network I/O Metrics

The netif input plugin gathers network traffic information of the running system every certain interval of time, and reports them.

The Network I/O Metrics plugin creates metrics that are log-based (I.e. JSON payload). If you are looking for Prometheus-based metrics please see the Node Exporter Metrics input plugin.

Configuration Parameters

The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:

Key Description
Interface Specify the network interface to monitor. e.g. eth0
Interval_Sec Polling interval (seconds). default: 1
Interval_NSec Polling interval (nanosecond). default: 0
Verbose If true, gather metrics precisely. default: false

Getting Started

In order to monitor network traffic from your system, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:

Command Line

  1. $ bin/fluent-bit -i netif -p interface=eth0 -o stdout
  2. Fluent Bit v1.x.x
  3. * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Fluent Bit Authors
  4. * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Treasure Data
  5. * Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
  6. *
  7. [2017/07/08 23:34:18] [ info] [engine] started
  8. [0] netif.0: [1499524459.001698260, {"eth0.rx.bytes"=>89769869, "eth0.rx.packets"=>73357, "eth0.rx.errors"=>0, "eth0.tx.bytes"=>4256474, "eth0.tx.packets"=>24293, "eth0.tx.errors"=>0}]
  9. [1] netif.0: [1499524460.002541885, {"eth0.rx.bytes"=>98, "eth0.rx.packets"=>1, "eth0.rx.errors"=>0, "eth0.tx.bytes"=>98, "eth0.tx.packets"=>1, "eth0.tx.errors"=>0}]
  10. [2] netif.0: [1499524461.001142161, {"eth0.rx.bytes"=>98, "eth0.rx.packets"=>1, "eth0.rx.errors"=>0, "eth0.tx.bytes"=>98, "eth0.tx.packets"=>1, "eth0.tx.errors"=>0}]
  11. [3] netif.0: [1499524462.002612971, {"eth0.rx.bytes"=>98, "eth0.rx.packets"=>1, "eth0.rx.errors"=>0, "eth0.tx.bytes"=>98, "eth0.tx.packets"=>1, "eth0.tx.errors"=>0}]

Configuration File

In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name netif
  3. Tag netif
  4. Interval_Sec 1
  5. Interval_NSec 0
  6. Interface eth0
  7. [OUTPUT]
  8. Name stdout
  9. Match *

Note: Total interval (sec) = Interval_Sec + (Interval_Nsec / 1000000000).

e.g. 1.5s = 1s + 500000000ns