description: The following serves as a guide on how to install/deploy/upgrade Fluent Bit

Getting Started with Fluent Bit

Container Deployment

Deployment Type Instructions
Kubernetes Deploy on Kubernetes
Docker Deploy with Docker
Containers on AWS Deploy on Containers on AWS

Install on Linux (Packages)

Operating System Installation Instructions
CentOS / Red Hat CentOS 7, CentOS 8
Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Debian Debian 9, Debian 10
Amazon Linux Amazon Linux 2
Raspbian / Rasberry Pi Raspbian 10
Yocto / Embedded Linux Yocto / Embedded Linux

Install on Windows (Packages)

Operating System Installation Instructions
Windows Server 2019 Windows Server EXE, Windows Server ZIP
Windows 10 2019.03 Windows EXE, Windows ZIP

Compile from Source (Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, MacOS)

Operating System Installation Instructions
Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS Compile from source
Windows Compile from Source

Enterprise Packages

Fluent Bit packages are also provided by enterprise providers for older end of life versions, Unix systems, and additional support and features. A list provided by is provided below