CentOS Packages
Install on Redhat / CentOS
Fluent Bit is distributed as td-agent-bit package and is available for the latest stable CentOS system. This stable Fluent Bit distribution package is maintained by Treasure Data, Inc.
Configure Yum
We provide td-agent-bit through a Yum repository. In order to add the repository reference to your system, please add a new file called td-agent-bit.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following content:
name = TD Agent Bit
baseurl = https://packages.fluentbit.io/centos/7/$basearch/
note: we encourage you always enable the gpgcheck for security reasons. All our packages are signed.
Once your repository is configured, run the following command to install it:
$ yum install td-agent-bit
Now the following step is to instruct systemd to enable the service:
$ service td-agent-bit start
If you do a status check, you should see a similar output like this:
$ service td-agent-bit status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status td-agent-bit.service
● td-agent-bit.service - TD Agent Bit
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/td-agent-bit.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-07-07 02:08:01 BST; 9s ago
Main PID: 3820 (td-agent-bit)
CGroup: /system.slice/td-agent-bit.service
└─3820 /opt/td-agent-bit/bin/td-agent-bit -c etc/td-agent-bit/td-agent-bit.conf
The default configuration of td-agent-bit is collecting metrics of CPU usage and sending the records to the standard output, you can see the outgoing data in your /var/log/messages file.