
The SERVICE defines the global behaviour of the Fluent Bit engine.

name type description
Daemon Bool If true go to background on start
Flush Int Interval to flush output (seconds)
Grace Int Wait time (seconds) on exit
HTTP_Listen Str Address to listen (e.g.
HTTP_Port Int Port to listen (e.g. 8888)
HTTP_Server Bool If true enable statistics HTTP server
Log_File Str File to log diagnostic output
Log_Level Str Diagnostic level (error/warning/info/debug/trace)
Parsers_File Str Optional ‘parsers’ config file (can be multiple)
Plugins_File Str Optional ‘plugins’ config file (can be multiple)

Note that Parsers_File and Plugins_File are both relative to the directory the main config file is in.

Storage and Buffering Configuration

In addition to the properties listed in the table above, the Storage and Buffering options are extensively documented in the following section:

Configuration Example

  1. [SERVICE]
  2. Flush 1
  3. Daemon Off
  4. Config_Watch On
  5. Parsers_File parsers.conf
  6. Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf