
Stackdriver output plugin allows to ingest your records into Google Cloud Stackdriver Logging service.

Before to get started with the plugin configuration, make sure to obtain the proper credentials to get access to the service. We strongly recommend to use a common JSON credentials file, reference link:

Your goal is to obtain a credentials JSON file that will be used later by Fluent Bit Stackdriver output plugin.

Configuration Parameters

Key Description default
google_service_credentials Absolute path to a Google Cloud credentials JSON file Value of environment variable $GOOGLE_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS
service_account_email Account email associated to the service. Only available if no credentials file has been provided. Value of environment variable $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
service_account_secret Private key content associated with the service account. Only available if no credentials file has been provided. Value of environment variable $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SECRET
resource Set resource type of data. Only global is supported. global

Configuration File

If you are using a Google Cloud Credentials File, the following configuration is enough to get started:

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name cpu
  3. Tag cpu
  4. [OUTPUT]
  5. Name stackdriver
  6. Match *

Other implementations

Stackdriver officially supports a logging agent based on Fluentd.