Flink 具有监控 API ,可用于查询正在运行的作业以及最近完成的作业的状态和统计信息。该监控 API 被用于 Flink 自己的仪表盘,同时也可用于自定义监控工具。

该监控 API 是 REST-ful 风格的,可以接受 HTTP 请求并返回 JSON 格式的数据。


该监控 API 由作为 JobManager 一部分运行的 web 服务器提供支持。默认情况下,该服务器监听 8081 端口,端口号可以通过修改 flink-conf.yaml 文件的 rest.port 进行配置。请注意,该监控 API 的 web 服务器和仪表盘的 web 服务器目前是相同的,因此在同一端口一起运行。不过,它们响应不同的 HTTP URL 。

在多个 JobManager 的情况下(为了高可用),每个 JobManager 将运行自己的监控 API 实例,当 JobManager 被选举成为集群 leader 时,该实例将提供已完成和正在运行作业的相关信息。


REST API 后端位于 flink-runtime 项目中。核心类是 org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.WebMonitorEndpoint ,用来配置服务器和请求路由。

我们使用 NettyNetty Router 库来处理 REST 请求和转换 URL 。选择该选项是因为这种组合具有轻量级依赖关系,并且 Netty HTTP 的性能非常好。


  • 添加一个新的 MessageHeaders 类,作为新请求的接口,
  • 添加一个新的 AbstractRestHandler 类,该类接收并处理 MessageHeaders 类的请求,
  • 将处理程序添加到 org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.WebMonitorEndpoint#initializeHandlers() 中。



REST API 已版本化,可以通过在 URL 前面加上版本前缀来查询指定版本。前缀格式始终为 v[version_number] 。 例如,要访问版本 1 的 /foo/bar 接口,将查询 /v1/foo/bar

如果未指定版本, Flink 将默认使用支持该请求的最旧版本。

查询 不支持/不存在 的版本将返回 404 错误。

这些 API 中存在几种异步操作,例如:trigger savepointrescale a job 。它们将返回 triggerid 来标识你刚刚执行的 POST 请求,然后你需要使用该 triggerid 查询该操作的状态。


[OpenAPI specification](

/ )

The OpenAPI specification is still experimental.

API reference


Verb: DELETEResponse code: 200 OK
Shuts down the cluster
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the configuration of the WebUI.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns all cluster data sets.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the status for the delete operation of a cluster data set.
Path parameters
  • triggerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies an asynchronous operation trigger ID. The ID was returned then the operation was triggered.
Verb: DELETEResponse code: 202 Accepted
Triggers the deletion of a cluster data set. This async operation would return a ‘triggerid’ for further query identifier.
Path parameters
  • datasetid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a cluster data set.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns a list of all jars previously uploaded via ‘/jars/upload’.
Verb: POSTResponse code: 200 OK
Uploads a jar to the cluster. The jar must be sent as multi-part data. Make sure that the “Content-Type” header is set to “application/x-java-archive”, as some http libraries do not add the header by default. Using ‘curl’ you can upload a jar via ‘curl -X POST -H “Expect:” -F “jarfile=@path/to/flink-job.jar” http://hostname:port/jars/upload‘.
Verb: DELETEResponse code: 200 OK
Deletes a jar previously uploaded via ‘/jars/upload’.
Path parameters
  • jarid - String value that identifies a jar. When uploading the jar a path is returned, where the filename is the ID. This value is equivalent to the id field in the list of uploaded jars (/jars).
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the dataflow plan of a job contained in a jar previously uploaded via ‘/jars/upload’. Program arguments can be passed both via the JSON request (recommended) or query parameters.
Path parameters
  • jarid - String value that identifies a jar. When uploading the jar a path is returned, where the filename is the ID. This value is equivalent to the id field in the list of uploaded jars (/jars).
Query parameters
  • program-args (optional): Deprecated, please use ‘programArg’ instead. String value that specifies the arguments for the program or plan
  • programArg (optional): Comma-separated list of program arguments.
  • entry-class (optional): String value that specifies the fully qualified name of the entry point class. Overrides the class defined in the jar file manifest.
  • parallelism (optional): Positive integer value that specifies the desired parallelism for the job.
Verb: POSTResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the dataflow plan of a job contained in a jar previously uploaded via ‘/jars/upload’. Program arguments can be passed both via the JSON request (recommended) or query parameters.
Path parameters
  • jarid - String value that identifies a jar. When uploading the jar a path is returned, where the filename is the ID. This value is equivalent to the id field in the list of uploaded jars (/jars).
Query parameters
  • program-args (optional): Deprecated, please use ‘programArg’ instead. String value that specifies the arguments for the program or plan
  • programArg (optional): Comma-separated list of program arguments.
  • entry-class (optional): String value that specifies the fully qualified name of the entry point class. Overrides the class defined in the jar file manifest.
  • parallelism (optional): Positive integer value that specifies the desired parallelism for the job.
Verb: POSTResponse code: 200 OK
Submits a job by running a jar previously uploaded via ‘/jars/upload’. Program arguments can be passed both via the JSON request (recommended) or query parameters.
Path parameters
  • jarid - String value that identifies a jar. When uploading the jar a path is returned, where the filename is the ID. This value is equivalent to the id field in the list of uploaded jars (/jars).
Query parameters
  • allowNonRestoredState (optional): Boolean value that specifies whether the job submission should be rejected if the savepoint contains state that cannot be mapped back to the job.
  • savepointPath (optional): String value that specifies the path of the savepoint to restore the job from.
  • program-args (optional): Deprecated, please use ‘programArg’ instead. String value that specifies the arguments for the program or plan
  • programArg (optional): Comma-separated list of program arguments.
  • entry-class (optional): String value that specifies the fully qualified name of the entry point class. Overrides the class defined in the jar file manifest.
  • parallelism (optional): Positive integer value that specifies the desired parallelism for the job.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the cluster configuration.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the list of log files on the JobManager.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to job manager metrics.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the thread dump of the JobManager.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns an overview over all jobs and their current state.
Verb: POSTResponse code: 202 Accepted
Submits a job. This call is primarily intended to be used by the Flink client. This call expects a multipart/form-data request that consists of file uploads for the serialized JobGraph, jars and distributed cache artifacts and an attribute named “request” for the JSON payload.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to aggregated job metrics.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
  • agg (optional): Comma-separated list of aggregation modes which should be calculated. Available aggregations are: “min, max, sum, avg”.
  • jobs (optional): Comma-separated list of 32-character hexadecimal strings to select specific jobs.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns an overview over all jobs.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns details of a job.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: PATCHResponse code: 202 Accepted
Terminates a job.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Query parameters
  • mode (optional): String value that specifies the termination mode. The only supported value is: “cancel”.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the accumulators for all tasks of a job, aggregated across the respective subtasks.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Query parameters
  • includeSerializedValue (optional): Boolean value that specifies whether serialized user task accumulators should be included in the response.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns checkpointing statistics for a job.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the checkpointing configuration.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns details for a checkpoint.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • checkpointid - Long value that identifies a checkpoint.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns checkpoint statistics for a task and its subtasks.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • checkpointid - Long value that identifies a checkpoint.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the configuration of a job.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the most recent exceptions that have been handled by Flink for this job. The ‘exceptionHistory.truncated’ flag defines whether exceptions were filtered out through the GET parameter. The backend collects only a specific amount of most recent exceptions per job. This can be configured through web.exception-history-size in the Flink configuration. The following first-level members are deprecated: ‘root-exception’, ‘timestamp’, ‘all-exceptions’, and ‘truncated’. Use the data provided through ‘exceptionHistory’, instead.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Query parameters
  • maxExceptions (optional): Comma-separated list of integer values that specifies the upper limit of exceptions to return.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the result of a job execution. Gives access to the execution time of the job and to all accumulators created by this job.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to job metrics.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the dataflow plan of a job.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: PATCHResponse code: 200 OK
Triggers the rescaling of a job. This async operation would return a ‘triggerid’ for further query identifier.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Query parameters
  • parallelism (mandatory): Positive integer value that specifies the desired parallelism.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the status of a rescaling operation.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • triggerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies an asynchronous operation trigger ID. The ID was returned then the operation was triggered.
Verb: POSTResponse code: 202 Accepted
Triggers a savepoint, and optionally cancels the job afterwards. This async operation would return a ‘triggerid’ for further query identifier.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the status of a savepoint operation.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • triggerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies an asynchronous operation trigger ID. The ID was returned then the operation was triggered.
Verb: POSTResponse code: 202 Accepted
Stops a job with a savepoint. Optionally, it can also emit a MAX_WATERMARK before taking the savepoint to flush out any state waiting for timers to fire. This async operation would return a ‘triggerid’ for further query identifier.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns details for a task, with a summary for each of its subtasks.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns user-defined accumulators of a task, aggregated across all subtasks.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns back-pressure information for a job, and may initiate back-pressure sampling if necessary.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns flame graph information for a vertex, and may initiate flame graph sampling if necessary.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Query parameters
  • type (optional): String value that specifies the Flame Graph type. Supported options are: “[FULL, ON_CPU, OFF_CPU]”.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to task metrics.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns all user-defined accumulators for all subtasks of a task.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to aggregated subtask metrics.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
  • agg (optional): Comma-separated list of aggregation modes which should be calculated. Available aggregations are: “min, max, sum, avg”.
  • subtasks (optional): Comma-separated list of integer ranges (e.g. “1,3,5-9”) to select specific subtasks.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns details of the current or latest execution attempt of a subtask.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
  • subtaskindex - Positive integer value that identifies a subtask.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns details of an execution attempt of a subtask. Multiple execution attempts happen in case of failure/recovery.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
  • subtaskindex - Positive integer value that identifies a subtask.
  • attempt - Positive integer value that identifies an execution attempt.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the accumulators of an execution attempt of a subtask. Multiple execution attempts happen in case of failure/recovery.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
  • subtaskindex - Positive integer value that identifies a subtask.
  • attempt - Positive integer value that identifies an execution attempt.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to subtask metrics.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
  • subtaskindex - Positive integer value that identifies a subtask.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns time-related information for all subtasks of a task.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns task information aggregated by task manager.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the watermarks for all subtasks of a task.
Path parameters
  • jobid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job.
  • vertexid - 32-character hexadecimal string value that identifies a job vertex.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns an overview over the Flink cluster.
Verb: POSTResponse code: 200 OK
Triggers the desposal of a savepoint. This async operation would return a ‘triggerid’ for further query identifier.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the status of a savepoint disposal operation.
Path parameters
  • triggerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies an asynchronous operation trigger ID. The ID was returned then the operation was triggered.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns an overview over all task managers.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to aggregated task manager metrics.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
  • agg (optional): Comma-separated list of aggregation modes which should be calculated. Available aggregations are: “min, max, sum, avg”.
  • taskmanagers (optional): Comma-separated list of 32-character hexadecimal strings to select specific task managers.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns details for a task manager. “metrics.memorySegmentsAvailable” and “metrics.memorySegmentsTotal” are deprecated. Please use “metrics.nettyShuffleMemorySegmentsAvailable” and “metrics.nettyShuffleMemorySegmentsTotal” instead.
Path parameters
  • taskmanagerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies a task manager.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the list of log files on a TaskManager.
Path parameters
  • taskmanagerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies a task manager.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Provides access to task manager metrics.
Path parameters
  • taskmanagerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies a task manager.
Query parameters
  • get (optional): Comma-separated list of string values to select specific metrics.
Verb: GETResponse code: 200 OK
Returns the thread dump of the requested TaskManager.
Path parameters
  • taskmanagerid - 32-character hexadecimal string that identifies a task manager.