Quick Start

Quick Start - 图1

Who needs documentation, lets just run this thing!


Fleet is distributed as a Helm chart. Helm 3 is a CLI, has no server side component, and its use is fairly straightforward. To install the Helm 3 CLI follow the official install instructions.

Quick Start - 图2Fleet in Rancher

Rancher has separate helm charts for Fleet and uses a different repository.

  • Linux/Mac
  • Windows
  1. brew install helm
  2. helm repo add fleet https://rancher.github.io/fleet-helm-charts/
  1. choco install kubernetes-helm
  2. helm repo add fleet https://rancher.github.io/fleet-helm-charts/

Install the Fleet Helm charts (there’s two because we separate out CRDs for ultimate flexibility.)

  1. helm -n cattle-fleet-system install --create-namespace --wait fleet-crd \
  2. fleet/fleet-crd
  3. helm -n cattle-fleet-system install --create-namespace --wait fleet \
  4. fleet/fleet

Add a Git Repo to Watch

Change spec.repo to your git repo of choice. Kubernetes manifest files that should be deployed should be in /manifests in your repo.

  1. cat > example.yaml << "EOF"
  2. apiVersion: fleet.cattle.io/v1alpha1
  3. kind: GitRepo
  4. metadata:
  5. name: sample
  6. # This namespace is special and auto-wired to deploy to the local cluster
  7. namespace: fleet-local
  8. spec:
  9. # Everything from this repo will be run in this cluster. You trust me right?
  10. repo: "https://github.com/rancher/fleet-examples"
  11. paths:
  12. - simple
  13. EOF
  14. kubectl apply -f example.yaml

Get Status

Get status of what fleet is doing

  1. kubectl -n fleet-local get fleet

You should see something like this get created in your cluster.

  1. kubectl get deploy frontend
  2. frontend 3/3 3 3 116m

Enjoy and read the docs.