

FerretDB writes structured logs to the standard error (stderr) stream. The most recent entries are also available via getLog command.

Observability - 图1note

Structured log format is not stable yet; field names and formatting of values might change in minor releases.

FerretDB provides the following log formats:

There are four logging levels:

  • error is used for errors that can’t be handled gracefully and typically result in client connection being closed;
  • warn is used for errors that can be handled gracefully and typically result in an error being returned to the client (without closing the connection);
  • info is used for various information messages;
  • debug should only be used for debugging.

The default level is info, except for debug builds that default to debug.

Observability - 图2caution

debug-level messages include complete query and response bodies, full error messages, authentication credentials, and other sensitive information.

Since logs are often retained by the infrastructure (and FerretDB itself makes recent entries available via the getLog command), that poses a security risk. Additionally, writing out a significantly larger number of log messages affects FerretDB performance. For those reasons, the debug level should not be enabled in production environments.

The format and level can be adjusted by configuration flags.

Docker logs

If Docker was launched with our quick local setup with Docker Compose, the following command can be used to fetch the logs.

  1. docker compose logs ferretdb

Otherwise, you can check a list of running Docker containers with docker ps and get logs with docker logs:

  1. $ docker ps
  3. 13db4c8800d3 postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up 59 seconds 5432/tcp my-postgres
  4. 44fe6f4c3527 ghcr.io/ferretdb/ferretdb "/ferretdb" About a minute ago Up 59 seconds 8088/tcp, 27018/tcp,>27017/tcp my-ferretdb
  5. $ docker logs my-ferretdb

OpenTelemetry traces

FerretDB can be configured to send OpenTelemetry traces to the specified HTTP/OTLP URL (e.g. http://host:4318/v1/traces). It can be changed with --otel-traces-url flag.

Observability - 图3note

Trace format is not stable yet; attribute names and values might change in minor releases.

Debug handler

FerretDB exposes various HTTP endpoints with the debug handler on by default. The host and port can be changed with --debug-addr flag.


FerretDB serves a zip archive with debugging information on the /debug/archive endpoint. Information in the archive helps us debug performance and compatibility problems.

Observability - 图4caution

Please do not publish the whole archive in our public community places, as it contains sensitive information.


FerretDB exposes metrics in Prometheus format on the /debug/metrics endpoint. There is no need to use an external exporter.

Observability - 图5note

The set of metrics is not stable yet; metric and label names and value formatting might change in minor releases.


FerretDB exposes the following probes that can be used for Kubernetes health checks and similar use cases. They return HTTP code 2xx if a probe is successful and 5xx otherwise. The response body is always empty, but additional information may be present in logs.

  • /debug/livez is a liveness probe. It succeeds if FerretDB is ready to accept new connections from MongoDB protocol clients. It does not check if the connection with the backend can be established or authenticated. An error response or timeout indicates (after a small initial startup delay) a serious problem. Generally, FerretDB should be restarted in that case. Additionally, the error is returned during the FerretDB shutdown while it waits for established connections to be closed.
  • /debug/readyz is a readiness probe. It succeeds if the liveness probe succeeds. Additionally, if new authentication is enabled and setup credentials are provided, it checks that connection with the backend can be established and authenticated by sending MongoDB ping command to FerretDB. An error response or timeout indicates a problem with the backend or configuration.