Guide applies to: modern

Here is a quick reference to a subset of common terms used in the creation of an Ext JS app:


A set of code written to encapsulate functionality intended for an instantiated object, commonly expressed like the following:

  1. Ext.define('MyApp.mypackage.myview.MyClass', {
  2. key1: value1,
  3. key2: value2
  4. }


A collection of multiple records intended to populate a UI component like a Dataview or a Grid


A definition of record specifications representing an entry in a store of records


The path (url) and means (type, like ajax) by which data is accessed in an Ext JS application


a Class definition specifically for a user interface widget and/or an object derived from it


A common reference (short for “configuration”), in “name=value” pair format, to the settings made on an object using Ext JS properties, like title: ‘Welcome to Ext JS’, to obtain a certain functionality in an app


A type of aliasing of classes to objects specifically reserved to address the unique instantiation issues of UI components