
Vyper has its own online code editor and compiler, which allows you to write and then compile your smart contracts into bytecode, ABI, and LLL using only your web browser. The Vyper online compiler has a variety of prewritten smart contracts for your convenience, including contracts for a simple open auction, safe remote purchases, ERC20 tokens, and more. This tool, offers only one version of the compilation software. It is updated regularly but does not always guarantee the latest version. Etherscan has an online Vyper compiler which allows you to select the compiler version. Also Remix, originally designed for Solidity smart contracts, now has a Vyper plugin available in the settings tab.


Vyper implements ERC20 as a precompiled contract, allowing these smart contracts to be easily used out of the box. Contracts in Vyper must be declared as global variables. An example for declaring the ERC20 variable is as follows:

  1. token: address(ERC20)

You can also compile a contract using the command line. Each Vyper contract is saved in a single file with the .vy extension. Once installed, you can compile a contract with Vyper by running the following command:

  1. vyper ~/hello_world.vy

The human-readable ABI description (in JSON format) can then be obtained by running the following command:

  1. vyper -f json ~/