
ethereumJS helpeth: 命令行实用程序




  1. Usage: helpeth [command]
  2. Commands:
  3. signMessage <message> Sign a message
  4. verifySig <hash> <sig> Verify signature
  5. verifySigParams <hash> <r> <s> <v> Verify signature parameters
  6. createTx <nonce> <to> <value> <data> Sign a transaction
  7. <gasLimit> <gasPrice>
  8. assembleTx <nonce> <to> <value> <data> Assemble a transaction from its
  9. <gasLimit> <gasPrice> <v> <r> <s> components
  10. parseTx <tx> Parse raw transaction
  11. keyGenerate [format] [icapdirect] Generate new key
  12. keyConvert Convert a key to V3 keystore format
  13. keyDetails Print key details
  14. bip32Details <path> Print key details for a given path
  15. addressDetails <address> Print details about an address
  16. unitConvert <value> <from> <to> Convert between Ethereum units
  17. Options:
  18. -p, --private Private key as a hex string [string]
  19. --password Password for the private key [string]
  20. --password-prompt Prompt for the private key password [boolean]
  21. -k, --keyfile Encoded key file [string]
  22. --show-private Show private key details [boolean]
  23. --mnemonic Mnemonic for HD key derivation [string]
  24. --version Show version number [boolean]
  25. --help Show help [boolean]

