PostgreSQL filter


Sandbox environment

Setup your sandbox environment with Docker and Docker Compose, and clone the Envoy repository with Git.


Used to make HTTP requests.

In this example, we show how the PostgreSQL filter can be used with the Envoy proxy.

The Envoy proxy configuration includes a PostgreSQL filter that parses queries and collects Postgres-specific metrics.

Step 1: Build the sandbox

Change to the examples/postgres directory.

Build and start the containers.

  1. $ pwd
  2. envoy/examples/postgres
  3. $ docker-compose pull
  4. $ docker-compose up --build -d
  5. $ docker-compose ps
  6. Name Command State Ports
  7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. postgres_postgres_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp
  9. postgres_proxy_1 / /usr ... Up 10000/tcp,>1999/tcp,>8001/tcp

Step 2: Issue commands using psql

This example uses psql client inside a container to issue some commands and verify they are routed via Envoy. Note that we should set the environment variable PGSSLMODE=disable to disable SSL because the current implementation of the filter can’t decode encrypted sessions.

  1. $ docker run --rm -it --network envoymesh -e PGSSLMODE=disable postgres:latest psql -U postgres -h proxy -p 1999
  2. ... snip ...
  3. postgres=# CREATE DATABASE testdb;
  5. postgres=# \c testdb
  6. You are now connected to database "testdb" as user "postgres".
  7. testdb=# CREATE TABLE tbl ( f SERIAL PRIMARY KEY );
  9. testdb=# INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (DEFAULT);
  10. INSERT 0 1
  11. testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl;
  12. f
  13. ---
  14. 1
  15. (1 row)
  16. testdb=# UPDATE tbl SET f = 2 WHERE f = 1;
  17. UPDATE 1
  18. testdb=# INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (DEFAULT);
  19. ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tbl_pkey"
  20. DETAIL: Key (f)=(2) already exists.
  21. testdb=# DELETE FROM tbl;
  22. DELETE 1
  23. testdb=# INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (DEFAULT);
  24. INSERT 0 1
  25. testdb=# \q

Step 3: Check egress stats

Check egress stats were updated.

  1. $ curl -s http://localhost:8001/stats?filter=egress_postgres
  2. postgres.egress_postgres.errors: 1
  3. postgres.egress_postgres.errors_error: 1
  4. postgres.egress_postgres.errors_fatal: 0
  5. postgres.egress_postgres.errors_panic: 0
  6. postgres.egress_postgres.errors_unknown: 0
  7. postgres.egress_postgres.messages: 42
  8. postgres.egress_postgres.messages_backend: 32
  9. postgres.egress_postgres.messages_frontend: 10
  10. postgres.egress_postgres.messages_unknown: 0
  11. postgres.egress_postgres.notices: 0
  12. postgres.egress_postgres.notices_debug: 0
  13. postgres.egress_postgres.notices_info: 0
  14. postgres.egress_postgres.notices_log: 0
  15. postgres.egress_postgres.notices_notice: 0
  16. postgres.egress_postgres.notices_unknown: 0
  17. postgres.egress_postgres.notices_warning: 0
  18. postgres.egress_postgres.sessions: 1
  19. postgres.egress_postgres.sessions_encrypted: 0
  20. postgres.egress_postgres.sessions_unencrypted: 1
  21. postgres.egress_postgres.statements: 7
  22. postgres.egress_postgres.statements_delete: 1
  23. postgres.egress_postgres.statements_insert: 2
  24. postgres.egress_postgres.statements_other: 2
  25. postgres.egress_postgres.statements_parse_error: 4
  26. postgres.egress_postgres.statements_parsed: 4
  27. postgres.egress_postgres.statements_select: 1
  28. postgres.egress_postgres.statements_update: 1
  29. postgres.egress_postgres.transactions: 7
  30. postgres.egress_postgres.transactions_commit: 7
  31. postgres.egress_postgres.transactions_rollback: 0

Step 4: Check TCP stats

Check TCP stats were updated.

  1. $ curl -s http://localhost:8001/stats?filter=postgres_tcp
  2. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_no_route: 0
  3. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered: 0
  4. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_total: 373
  5. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_total: 1
  6. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered: 0
  7. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_total: 728
  8. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total: 0
  9. tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total: 0
  10. tcp.postgres_tcp.idle_timeout: 0
  11. tcp.postgres_tcp.max_downstream_connection_duration: 0
  12. tcp.postgres_tcp.upstream_flush_active: 0
  13. tcp.postgres_tcp.upstream_flush_total: 0

See also

Envoy PostgreSQL filter

Learn more about using the Envoy PostgreSQL filter.

Envoy admin quick start guide

Quick start guide to the Envoy admin interface.


The PostgreSQL database.