gRPC Bridge

Envoy gRPC

The gRPC bridge sandbox is an example usage of Envoy’s gRPC bridge filter.

This is an example of a key-value store where an http-based client CLI, written in Python, updates a remote store, written in Go, using the stubs generated for both languages.

The client send messages through a proxy that upgrades the HTTP requests from http/1.1 to http/2.

[client](http/1.1) -> [client-egress-proxy](http/2) -> [server-ingress-proxy](http/2) -> [server]

Another Envoy feature demonstrated in this example is Envoy’s ability to do authority base routing via its route configuration.

Running the Sandbox

The following documentation runs through the setup of Envoy described above.

Step 1: Install Docker

Ensure that you have a recent versions of docker and docker-compose installed.

A simple way to achieve this is via the Docker Desktop.

Step 2: Clone the Envoy repo

If you have not cloned the Envoy repo, clone it with:



  1. git clone
  1. git clone

Step 3: Generate the protocol stubs

A docker-compose file is provided that generates the stubs for both client and server from the specification in the protos directory.

Inspecting the docker-compose-protos.yaml file, you will see that it contains both the python and go gRPC protoc commands necessary for generating the protocol stubs.

Generate the stubs as follows:

  1. $ pwd
  2. envoy/examples/grpc-bridge
  3. $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-protos.yaml up
  4. Starting grpc-bridge_stubs_python_1 ... done
  5. Starting grpc-bridge_stubs_go_1 ... done
  6. Attaching to grpc-bridge_stubs_go_1, grpc-bridge_stubs_python_1
  7. grpc-bridge_stubs_go_1 exited with code 0
  8. grpc-bridge_stubs_python_1 exited with code 0

You may wish to clean up left over containers with the following command:

  1. $ docker container prune

You can view the generated kv modules for both the client and server in their respective directories:

  1. $ ls -la client/kv/
  2. -rw-r--r-- 1 mdesales CORP\Domain Users 9527 Nov 6 21:59 client/kv/
  3. $ ls -la server/kv/kv.pb.go
  4. -rw-r--r-- 1 mdesales CORP\Domain Users 9994 Nov 6 21:59 server/kv/kv.pb.go

These generated python and go stubs can be included as external modules.

Step 4: Start all of our containers

To build this sandbox example and start the example services, run the following commands:

  1. $ pwd
  2. envoy/examples/grpc-bridge
  3. $ docker-compose pull
  4. $ docker-compose up --build -d
  5. $ docker-compose ps
  6. Name Command State Ports
  7. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. grpc-bridge_grpc-client-proxy_1 / /bin ... Up 10000/tcp,>9911/tcp,>9991/tcp
  9. grpc-bridge_grpc-client_1 /bin/sh -c tail -f /dev/null Up
  10. grpc-bridge_grpc-server-proxy_1 / /bin ... Up 10000/tcp,>8811/tcp,>8881/tcp
  11. grpc-bridge_grpc-server_1 /bin/sh -c /bin/server Up>8081/tcp

Sending requests to the Key/Value store

To use the Python service and send gRPC requests:

  1. $ pwd
  2. envoy/examples/grpc-bridge

Set a key:

  1. $ docker-compose exec python /client/ set foo bar
  2. setf foo to bar

Get a key:

  1. $ docker-compose exec python /client/ get foo
  2. bar

Modify an existing key:

  1. $ docker-compose exec python /client/ set foo baz
  2. setf foo to baz

Get the modified key:

  1. $ docker-compose exec python /client/ get foo
  2. baz

In the running docker-compose container, you should see the gRPC service printing a record of its activity:

  1. $ docker-compose logs grpc-server
  2. grpc_1 | 2017/05/30 12:05:09 set: foo = bar
  3. grpc_1 | 2017/05/30 12:05:12 get: foo
  4. grpc_1 | 2017/05/30 12:05:18 set: foo = baz