Route table check tool

The route table check tool checks whether the route parameters returned by a router match what is expected. The tool can also be used to check whether a path redirect, path rewrite, or host rewrite match what is expected.


  • router_check_tool [-t ] [-c ] [-d] [-p] [–] [–version] [-h]

    • -t , –test-path

      Path to a tool config JSON file. The tool config JSON file schema is found in config. The tool config input file specifies urls (composed of authorities and paths) and expected route parameter values. Additional parameters such as additional headers are optional.

      Schema: All internal schemas in the tool are based on proto3. This is enabled by an extra optional parameter --useproto. This parameter will become the default in the future releases and enables more validation features in the tool. Any new feature addition in validations will be added behind this parameter.

      Migration: If you are currently using the tool and plan to migrate to use --useproto, change the yaml/json test’s schema based on the proto. Few known changes necessary are: :authority input is now authority. :path input is now path. :method input is now method. This is a required property. additional_headers, header_fields and custom_header_fields contain key instead of field. tests is a root level field in the yaml/json.

      -c , –config-path

      Path to a v2 router config file (YAML or JSON). The router config file schema is found in config and the config file extension must reflect its file type (for instance, .json for JSON and .yaml for YAML).

      -d, –details

      Show detailed test execution results. The first line indicates the test name.

    • --only-show-failures

      Displays test results for failed tests. Omits test names for passing tests if the details flag is set.

    • -p, –useproto

      Use Proto test file schema

    • -f, —fail-under

      Represents a percent value for route test coverage under which the run should fail.


      Enables comprehensive code coverage percent calculation taking into account all the possible asserts. Displays missing tests.


      Disables the deprecation check for RouteConfiguration proto.

    • -h, –help

      Displays usage information and exits.

      (accepted multiple times)

      If you haven’t migrated to the proto schema, the binary accepts the paths to the router config file and the tool config JSON file in that particular order. The --details parameter can be appended at the end to show the detailed test results.


The program exits with status EXIT_FAILURE if any test case does not match the expected route parameter value.

If a test fails, details of the failed test cases are printed if --details flag is provided. The first field is the expected route parameter value. The second field is the actual route parameter value. The third field indicates the parameter that is compared. In the following example, Test_2 and Test_5 failed while the other tests passed. In the failed test cases, conflict details are printed.

  1. Test_1
  2. Test_2
  3. default other virtual_host_name
  4. Test_3
  5. Test_4
  6. Test_5
  7. locations ats cluster_name
  8. Test_6


The tool can be built locally using Bazel.

  1. bazel build //test/tools/router_check:router_check_tool



  1. bazel-bin/test/tools/router_check/router_check_tool router_config.(yaml|json) tool_config.json
  2. bazel-bin/test/tools/router_check/router_check_tool router_config.(yaml|json) tool_config.json --details
  3. bazel-bin/test/tools/router_check/router_check_tool -c router_config.(yaml|json) -t tool_config.json --details --useproto


A bash shell script test can be run with bazel. The test compares routes using different router and tool configuration files. The configuration files can be found in test/tools/router_check/test/config/… .

  1. bazel test //test/tools/router_check/...