Stomp Protocol Gateway

The Stomp protocol gateway provides EMQ X with the access capability of the Stomp protocol.

Create module

Open EMQ X DashboardStomp gateway - 图1 (opens new window), click the “Modules” tab on the left, and choose to add:


Click “Select”, and then select “CoAP Access Gateway”:

Create CoAP Protocol Gateway

Configure related basic parameters:

Configure CoAP Protocol Gateway

Add listening port:

Configure CoAP Protocol Gateway

Configure monitoring parameters:

Configure CoAP Protocol Gateway

Click “OK” to complete the configuration of the listener, and then click “Add” to complete the creation of the module:

Complete CoAP Protocol Gateway

Configuration parameters

Configuration itemDescription
Allow anonymousWhether to allow anonymous login
Default UsernameSpecify the Username used for login in Stomp module
Default passwordSpecify the password used for Stomp module login
Maximum HeadersMaximum number of Stomp frame headers
Max Header LengthMaximum length of Stomp frame headers
Max Body LengthMaximum length of Stomp frame body