- 客户端
- GET /api/v4/clients
- GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
- DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
- GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients
- GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/{clientid}
- DELETE /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/{clientid}
- GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username}
- GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/username/{username}
- GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
- DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
GET /api/v4/clients
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
在 4.1 后,支持多条件和模糊查询,其包含的查询参数有:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | False | 客户端标识符 |
username | String | False | 客户端用户名 |
zone | String | False | 客户端配置组名称 |
ip_address | String | False | 客户端 IP 地址 |
conn_state | Enum | False | 客户端当前连接状态, 可取值有: connected ,idle ,disconnected |
clean_start | Bool | False | 客户端是否使用了全新的会话 |
proto_name | Enum | False | 客户端协议名称, 可取值有: MQTT ,CoAP ,LwM2M ,MQTT-SN |
proto_ver | Integer | False | 客户端协议版本 |
_like_clientid | String | False | 客户端标识符,子串方式模糊查找 |
_like_username | String | False | 客户端用户名,子串方式模糊查找 |
_gte_created_at | Integer | False | 客户端会话创建时间,小于等于查找 |
_lte_created_at | Integer | False | 客户端会话创建时间,大于等于查找 |
_gte_connected_at | Integer | False | 客户端连接创建时间,小于等于查找 |
_lte_connected_at | Integer | False | 客户端连接创建时间,大于等于查找 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有客户端的信息 |
data[0].node | String | 客户端所连接的节点名称 |
data[0].clientid | String | 客户端标识符 |
data[0].username | String | 客户端连接时使用的用户名 |
data[0].proto_name | String | 客户端协议名称 |
data[0].proto_ver | Integer | 客户端使用的协议版本 |
data[0].ip_address | String | 客户端的 IP 地址 |
data[0].port | Integer | 客户端的端口 |
data[0].is_bridge | Boolean | 指示客户端是否通过桥接方式连接 |
data[0].connected_at | String | 客户端连接时间,格式为 “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss” |
data[0].disconnected_at | String | 客户端离线时间,格式为 “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss”, 此字段仅在 connected 为 false 时有效并被返回 |
data[0].connected | Boolean | 客户端是否处于连接状态 |
data[0].zone | String | 指示客户端使用的配置组 |
data[0].keepalive | Integer | 保持连接时间,单位:秒 |
data[0].clean_start | Boolean | 指示客户端是否使用了全新的会话 |
data[0].expiry_interval | Integer | 会话过期间隔,单位:秒 |
data[0].created_at | String | 会话创建时间,格式为 “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss” |
data[0].subscriptions_cnt | Integer | 此客户端已建立的订阅数量 |
data[0].max_subscriptions | Integer | 此客户端允许建立的最大订阅数量 |
data[0].inflight | Integer | 飞行队列当前长度 |
data[0].max_inflight | Integer | 飞行队列最大长度 |
data[0].mqueue_len | Integer | 消息队列当前长度 |
data[0].max_mqueue | Integer | 消息队列最大长度 |
data[0].mqueue_dropped | Integer | 消息队列因超出长度而丢弃的消息数量 |
data[0].awaiting_rel | Integer | 未确认的 PUBREC 报文数量 |
data[0].max_awaiting_rel | Integer | 允许存在未确认的 PUBREC 报文的最大数量 |
data[0].recv_oct | Integer | EMQ X Broker(下同)接收的字节数量 |
data[0].recv_cnt | Integer | 接收的 TCP 报文数量 |
data[0].recv_pkt | Integer | 接收的 MQTT 报文数量 |
data[0].recv_msg | Integer | 接收的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
data[0].send_oct | Integer | 发送的字节数量 |
data[0].send_cnt | Integer | 发送的 TCP 报文数量 |
data[0].send_pkt | Integer | 发送的 MQTT 报文数量 |
data[0].send_msg | Integer | 发送的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
data[0].mailbox_len | Integer | 进程邮箱大小 |
data[0].heap_size | Integer | 进程堆栈大小,单位:字节 |
data[0].reductions | Integer | Erlang reduction |
meta | Object | 分页信息 |
meta.page | Integer | 页码 |
meta.limit | Integer | 每页显示的数据条数 |
meta.count | Integer | 数据总条数 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients?_page=1&_limit=10"
{"meta":{"page":1,"limit":10,"count":1},"data":[{"zone":"external","recv_cnt":2,"max_mqueue":1000,"node":"emqx@","username":"test","mqueue_len":0,"max_inflight":32,"is_bridge":false,"mqueue_dropped":0,"inflight":0,"heap_size":2586,"max_subscriptions":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","created_at":"2020-02-19 17:01:26","proto_ver":4,"reductions":3997,"send_msg":0,"ip_address":"","send_cnt":0,"mailbox_len":1,"awaiting_rel":0,"keepalive":60,"recv_msg":0,"send_pkt":0,"recv_oct":29,"clientid":"example","clean_start":true,"expiry_interval":0,"connected":true,"port":64491,"send_oct":0,"recv_pkt":1,"connected_at":"2020-02-19 17:01:26","max_awaiting_rel":100,"subscriptions_cnt":0}],"code":0}
注:在 4.1 后,返回的 meta
:仍表示总数,但在 多条件/模糊查询时,固定为 -1。hasnext
GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example"
{"data":[{"recv_cnt":2,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","reductions":3978,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":0,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":1,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":29,"connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":54889,"send_oct":0,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients
类似 GET /api/v4/clients,返回指定节点下所有客户端的信息,支持分页。
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有客户端的信息,详情请参看 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"meta":{"page":1,"limit":10,"count":1},"data":[{"recv_cnt":2,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":0,"created_at":"2020-02-19 18:25:18","reductions":4137,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":0,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":1,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":29,"connected_at":"2020-02-19 18:25:18","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":49509,"send_oct":0,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/{clientid}
类似 GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid},返回指定节点下指定客户端的信息。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"recv_cnt":4,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":3,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","reductions":5994,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":3,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":0,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":33,"connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":54889,"send_oct":8,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
DELETE /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/{clientid}
类似 DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid},踢除指定节点下的指定客户端。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username}
通过 Username 查询客户端的信息。由于可能存在多个客户端使用相同的用户名的情况,所以可能同时返回多个客户端信息。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | True | Username |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/username/steve"
{"data":[{"clean_start":true,"awaiting_rel":0,"recv_msg":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","recv_cnt":2,"mailbox_len":0,"node":"emqx@","mqueue_len":0,"max_subscriptions":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","is_bridge":false,"heap_size":2586,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"clientid":"example","expiry_interval":0,"send_msg":0,"inflight":0,"reductions":4673,"send_pkt":1,"zone":"external","send_cnt":1,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":32,"recv_oct":29,"recv_pkt":1,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"username":"steve","connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","connected":true,"port":56429,"send_oct":4,"mqueue_dropped":0,"max_mqueue":1000}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/username/{username}
类似 GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username},在指定节点下,通过 Username 查询指定客户端的信息。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | True | Username |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"clean_start":true,"awaiting_rel":0,"recv_msg":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","recv_cnt":6,"mailbox_len":0,"node":"emqx@","mqueue_len":0,"max_subscriptions":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","is_bridge":false,"heap_size":1598,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"clientid":"example","expiry_interval":0,"send_msg":0,"inflight":0,"reductions":7615,"send_pkt":5,"zone":"external","send_cnt":5,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":32,"recv_oct":37,"recv_pkt":1,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"username":"test","connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","connected":true,"port":56429,"send_oct":12,"mqueue_dropped":0,"max_mqueue":1000}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
查询指定客户端的 ACL 缓存。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | ACL 详情 |
data[0].access | String | 发布/订阅 |
data[0].topic | String | MQTT 主题 |
data[0].result | String | 允许/拒绝 |
data[0].updated_time | Integer | ACL 缓存建立时间 |
查询 ACL 缓存
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example/acl_cache"
DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
清除指定客户端的 ACL 缓存。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
清除 ACL 缓存
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example/acl_cache"