Sink Extension

Sink feed data from Kuiper into external systems. Kuiper has built-in sink support for MQTT broker and log sink. There are still needs to publish data to various external systems include messaging systems and database etc. Sink extension is presented to meet this requirement.


Develop a sink

To develop a sink for Kuiper is to implement api.SinkSink Extension - 图1 (opens new window) interface and export it as a golang plugin.

Before starting the development, you must setup the environment for golang plugin.

To develop a sink, the Configure method must be implemented. This method will be called once the sink is initialized. In this method, a map that contains the configuration in the rule actions definition is passed in. Typically, there will be information such as host, port, user and password of the external system. You can use this map to initialize this sink.

  1. //Called during initialization. Configure the sink with the properties from action definition
  2. Configure(props map[string]interface{}) error

The next task is to implement open method. The implementation should be synchronized to create a connection to the external system. A context parameter is provided to retrieve the context information, logger and rule meta information.

  1. //Should be sync function for normal case. The container will run it in go func
  2. Open(ctx StreamContext) error

The main task for a Sink is to implement collect method. The function will be invoked when Kuiper feed any data into the sink. As an infinite stream, this function will be invoked continuously. The task of this function is to publish data to the external system. The first parameter is the context, and the second parameter is the data received from Kuiper.

  1. //Called when each row of data has transferred to this sink
  2. Collect(ctx StreamContext, data interface{}) error

The last method to implement is Close which literally close the connection. It is called when the stream is about to terminate. You could also do any clean up work in this function.

  1. Close(ctx StreamContext) error

As the sink itself is a plugin, it must be in the main package. Given the sink struct name is mySink. At last of the file, the sink must be exported as a symbol as below. There are 2 types of exported symbol supported. For sink extension, states are usually needed, so it is recommended to export a constructor function.

  1. func MySink() api.Sink {
  2. return &mySink{}
  3. }

The Memory SinkSink Extension - 图2 (opens new window) is a good example.

Package the sink

Build the implemented sink as a go plugin and make sure the output so file resides in the plugins/sinks folder.

  1. go build -trimpath --buildmode=plugin -o plugins/sinks/ plugins/sinks/my_sink.go


The customized sink is specified in a actions definition. Its name is used as the key of the action. The configuration is the value.

If you have developed a sink implementation MySink, you should have:

  1. In the plugin file, symbol MySink is exported.
  2. The compiled file is located inside plugins/sinks

To use it, define the action mySink inside a rule definition:

  1. {
  2. "id": "rule1",
  3. "sql": "SELECT demo.temperature, demo1.temp FROM demo left join demo1 on demo.timestamp = demo1.timestamp where demo.temperature > demo1.temp GROUP BY demo.temperature, HOPPINGWINDOW(ss, 20, 10)",
  4. "actions": [
  5. {
  6. "mySink": {
  7. "server": "tcp://",
  8. "topic": "demoSink"
  9. }
  10. }
  11. ]
  12. }

Whereas, mySink is a key of the actions. The value of mySink is the properties for that sink.