Zmq Source

The source will subscribe to a Zero Mq topic to import the messages into kuiper

Compile & deploy plugin

  1. # cd $kuiper_src
  2. # go build -trimpath --buildmode=plugin -o plugins/sources/ plugins/sources/zmq/zmq.go
  3. # cp plugins/sources/ $kuiper_install/plugins/sources

Restart the Kuiper server to activate the plugin.


The configuration for this source is $kuiper/etc/sources/zmq.yaml. The format is as below:

  1. #Global Zmq configurations
  2. default:
  3. server: tcp://
  4. test:
  5. server: tcp://

Global configurations

Use can specify the global zmq source settings here. The configuration items specified in default section will be taken as default settings for the source when connects to Zero Mq.


The url of the Zero Mq server that the source will subscribe to.

Override the default settings

If you have a specific connection that need to overwrite the default settings, you can create a customized section. In the previous sample, we create a specific setting named with test. Then you can specify the configuration with option CONF_KEY when creating the stream definition (see stream specs for more info).

Sample usage

  1. demo (
  2. ...
  3. ) WITH (DATASOURCE="demo", FORMAT="JSON", CONF_KEY="test", TYPE="zmq");

The configuration keys “test” will be used. The Zero Mq topic to subscribe is “demo” as specified in the DATASOURCE.