Delayed Publish

Delayed publish is an extended MQTT feature supported by EMQX. When a client publishes a message to EMQX with the topic prefix $delayed/{DelayInteval}, it triggers the delayed publish feature. The messages will be published after a period of time predefined by the user.

The specific format of the delay-publish topic is as below:

  1. $delayed/{DelayInterval}/{TopicName}
  • $delayed: Messages prefixed with $delay will be treated as messages that need to be delayed. The delay interval is determined by the content of the next topic level.
  • {DelayInterval}: Specify the time interval for delaying the publishing of this MQTT message with the unit of second. The maximum allowed interval is 4294967 seconds. If {DelayInterval} cannot be parsed as an integer number, EMQX will discard the message and the client will not receive any information.
  • {TopicName}: The topic name of the MQTT message.


  • $delayed/15/x/y: Publish MQTT message to the topic x/y after 15 seconds
  • $delayed/60/a/b: Publish MQTT message to the topic a/b after 1 minute
  • $delayed/3600/$SYS/topic: Publish MQTT message to the topic $SYS/topic after 1 hour

Configure Delayed Publish via Dashboard

  1. Open EMQX Dashboard. In the left navigation menu, click Management-> Delayed Publish.

  2. On the Delayed Publish page, you can configure as follows:

    • Enable: Enable or disable delayed publish. By default, it is enabled.
    • Max Delayed Messages: The max number of delayed messages.
      • If you select Unlimited from the drop-down list, you cannot specify the number.
      • If you select Custom from the drop-down list, you can specify the number.


Try Delayed Publish with MQTTX Client


  • Basic publishing and subscribing operations using MQTTX Client
  1. Start the MQTTX Client. Click the New Connection to create an MQTT connection named Demo.

    • The localhost is used as an example in this demonstration.


    For detailed instructions on creating an MQTT connection, see MQTTX Client.


  2. Create another MQTT connection. Configure it as a subscriber.

  3. Select the connection named Demo in the Connections pane. Type the topic name $delayed/10/x/y in the topic text box and type the message as Delayed Message.

    • $delayed: Indicates it is a delay message.
    • 10: Indicates the delayed interval is 10 seconds.
    • x/y: Indicates the topic name of the message.
  4. Select the connection named Subscriber. Click the New Subscription button to create a subscription. Type x/y in the Topic textbox to subscribe to this topic.


  5. Select the connection named Demo in the Connections pane. Click the send button to send the Delayed Message with topic $delayed/10/x/y.

  6. Wait for 10 seconds. You will see the connection named Subscriber receive the delayed message after 10 seconds.


Try Delayed Publish with MQTTX CLI


  • Basic publishing and subscribing operations using MQTTX CLI
  1. Create a new connection as a subscriber and subscribe to the topic t/1.

    1. mqttx sub -t t/1 -v
  2. Open a new window in the terminal for the client as publisher. Use the following command to send a delayed message. The subscriber will receive the message after 5 seconds.

    1. mqttx pub -t "\$delayed/5/t/1" -m "Hello Delayed msg"