RPC Bridge


After EMQX version 3.1, a powerful rule engine is introduced to replace plug-ins. It is recommended that you use it. See Bridge data to EMQX to setup EMQX bridges in rule engine.

EMQX bridges and forwards MQTT messages to remote EMQX:


Config file for RPC bridge plugin: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf

Configure Broker Address for RPC Bridge

  1. bridge.mqtt.emqx.address = emqx2@

Configure Topics RPC Bridge Forwards and Subscribes

  1. ## Mountpoint of the bridge
  2. bridge.mqtt.emqx.mountpoint = bridge/emqx1/${node}/
  3. ## Forward message topics
  4. bridge.mqtt.emqx.forwards = topic1/#,topic2/#

Mountpoint: Mountpoint is used to prefix of topic when forwarding a message, this option must be used with forwards. Forwards the message whose topic is “sensor1/hello”, its topic will change to “<bridge/aws/emqx1@>” when it reaches the remote node.

Forwards: Messages forwarded to forwards specified by local EMQX are forwarded to the remote EMQX.

Bridge CLI Command

CLI of RPC bridge is used in the same way as the MQTT bridge.