Virtualized Table 虚拟化表格 beta
在前端开发领域,表格一直都是一个高频出现的组件,尤其是在中后台和数据分析场景。 但是,对于 Table V1来说,当一屏里超过 1000 条数据记录时,就会出现卡顿等性能问题,体验不是很好。
该组件仍在测试中,生产环境使用可能有风险。 若您发现了 bug 或问题,请于 GitHub 报告给我们以便修复。 同时,有一些 API 并未在此文档中提及,因为部分还没有开发完全,因此我们不在此提及。
即使虚拟化的表格是高效的,但是当数据负载过大时,网络和内存容量也会成为您应用程序的瓶颈。 因此请牢记,虚拟化表格永远不是最完美的解决方案,请考虑数据分页、过滤器等优化方案。
让我们简单渲染一个拥有 1000 行 10 列的虚拟化表格组件,来展示其极佳的性能。
<script lang="ts" setup>
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 1000)
如果您不想手动设置表格的 width
和 height
,可以使用 AutoResizer
组件的默认高度是 100%
, 所以请确保 该组件的父元素被设置了一个固定的高度 也可以通过 设置style
属性为 AutoResizer
<div style="height: 400px">
<template #default="{ height, width }">
<script lang="ts" setup>
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import {
} from 'element-plus'
import { Timer } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import type { Column } from 'element-plus'
let id = 0
const dataGenerator = () => ({
id: `random-id-${++id}`,
name: 'Tom',
date: '2020-10-1',
const columns: Column<any>[] = [
key: 'date',
title: 'Date',
dataKey: 'date',
width: 150,
fixed: TableV2FixedDir.LEFT,
cellRenderer: ({ cellData: date }) => (
<ElTooltip content={dayjs(date).format('YYYY/MM/DD')}>
<span class="flex items-center">
<ElIcon class="mr-3">
<Timer />
key: 'name',
title: 'Name',
dataKey: 'name',
width: 150,
align: 'center',
cellRenderer: ({ cellData: name }) => <ElTag>{name}</ElTag>,
key: 'operations',
title: 'Operations',
cellRenderer: () => (
<ElButton size="small">Edit</ElButton>
<ElButton size="small" type="danger">
width: 150,
align: 'center',
const data = ref(Array.from({ length: 200 }).map(dataGenerator))
<div style="height: 400px">
<template #default="{ height, width }">
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { ref, resolveDynamicComponent, unref } from 'vue'
import type { FunctionalComponent } from 'vue'
import type { Column, ElCheckbox } from 'element-plus'
const Checkbox = resolveDynamicComponent('ElCheckbox') as typeof ElCheckbox
type SelectionCellProps = {
value: boolean
intermediate?: boolean
onChange: (value: boolean) => void
const SelectionCell: FunctionalComponent<SelectionCellProps> = ({
intermediate = false,
}) => {
return (
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
checked: false,
parentId: null,
const columns: Column<any>[] = generateColumns(10)
key: 'selection',
width: 50,
cellRenderer: ({ rowData }) => {
const onChange = (value: boolean) => (rowData.checked = value)
return <SelectionCell value={rowData.checked} onChange={onChange} />
headerCellRenderer: () => {
const _data = unref(data)
const onChange = (value: boolean) =>
(data.value = => {
row.checked = value
return row
const allSelected = _data.every((row) => row.checked)
const containsChecked = _data.some((row) => row.checked)
return (
intermediate={containsChecked && !allSelected}
const data = ref(generateData(columns, 200))
<div style="height: 400px">
<template #default="{ height, width }">
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { nextTick, ref, resolveDynamicComponent } from 'vue'
import type { FunctionalComponent } from 'vue'
import type { Column, ElInput } from 'element-plus'
const Input = resolveDynamicComponent('ElInput') as typeof ElInput
type SelectionCellProps = {
value: string
intermediate?: boolean
onChange: (value: string) => void
forwardRef: (el: InstanceType<typeof ElInput>) => void
const InputCell: FunctionalComponent<SelectionCellProps> = ({
}) => {
return <Input ref={forwardRef as any} onInput={onChange} modelValue={value} />
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
editing: false,
parentId: null,
const columns: Column<any>[] = generateColumns(10)
columns[0] = {
title: 'Editable Column',
cellRenderer: ({ rowData, column }) => {
const onChange = (value: string) => {
rowData[column.dataKey!] = value
const onEnterEditMode = () => {
rowData.editing = true
const onExitEditMode = () => (rowData.editing = false)
const input = ref()
const setRef = (el) => {
input.value = el
if (el) {
return rowData.editing ? (
) : (
<div class="table-v2-inline-editing-trigger" onClick={onEnterEditMode}>
const data = ref(generateData(columns, 200))
.table-v2-inline-editing-trigger {
border: 1px transparent dotted;
padding: 4px;
.table-v2-inline-editing-trigger:hover {
border-color: var(--el-color-primary);
可将表格内容 highlight 显示,方便区分「成功、信息、警告、危险」等内容。
可以通过指定 Table 组件的 row-class-name 属性来为 Table 中的某一行添加 class, 表明该行处于某种状态。 每10行会自动添加 bg-blue-200
类名,每5行会添加 bg-red-100
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import {
} from 'element-plus'
import { Timer } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import type { Column, RowClassNameGetter } from 'element-plus'
let id = 0
const dataGenerator = () => ({
id: `random-id-${++id}`,
name: 'Tom',
date: '2020-10-1',
const columns: Column<any>[] = [
key: 'date',
title: 'Date',
dataKey: 'date',
width: 150,
fixed: TableV2FixedDir.LEFT,
cellRenderer: ({ cellData: date }) => (
<ElTooltip content={dayjs(date).format('YYYY/MM/DD')}>
<span class="flex items-center">
<ElIcon class="mr-3">
<Timer />
key: 'name',
title: 'Name',
dataKey: 'name',
width: 150,
align: 'center',
cellRenderer: ({ cellData: name }) => <ElTag>{name}</ElTag>,
key: 'operations',
title: 'Operations',
cellRenderer: () => (
<ElButton size="small">Edit</ElButton>
<ElButton size="small" type="danger">
width: 150,
align: 'center',
flexGrow: 1,
const data = ref(Array.from({ length: 200 }).map(dataGenerator))
const rowClass = ({ rowIndex }: Parameters<RowClassNameGetter<any>>[0]) => {
if (rowIndex % 10 === 5) {
return 'bg-red-100'
} else if (rowIndex % 10 === 0) {
return 'bg-blue-200'
return ''
您可以简单地使用 fixed-data
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const rowClass = ({ rowIndex }) => {
if (rowIndex < 0 || (rowIndex + 1) % 5 === 0) return 'sticky-row'
const stickyIndex = ref(0)
const fixedData = computed(() =>
data.slice(stickyIndex.value, stickyIndex.value + 1)
const tableData = computed(() => {
return data.slice(1)
const onScroll = ({ scrollTop }) => {
stickyIndex.value = Math.floor(scrollTop / 250) * 5
.el-el-table-v2__fixed-header-row {
background-color: var(--el-color-primary-light-5);
font-weight: bold;
您可以设置该行的 fixed
属性为 true
或 FixedDir.RIGHT
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { TableV2FixedDir, TableV2SortOrder } from 'element-plus'
import type { SortBy } from 'element-plus'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
let data = generateData(columns, 200)
columns[0].fixed = true
columns[1].fixed = TableV2FixedDir.LEFT
columns[9].fixed = TableV2FixedDir.RIGHT
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) columns[i].sortable = true
const sortBy = ref<SortBy>({
key: 'column-0',
order: TableV2SortOrder.ASC,
const onSort = (_sortBy: SortBy) => {
data = data.reverse()
sortBy.value = _sortBy
特性(该功能在 playground 中不被支持,您可以在您的本地环境或在线 IDE (如 codesandbox )中使用)
建议您使用 JSX 使用您的表格组件,因为它包含 VNode 操作。
:header-height="[50, 40, 50]"
<template #header="props">
<customized-header v-bind="props" />
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { TableV2FixedDir, TableV2Placeholder } from 'element-plus'
import type { FunctionalComponent } from 'vue'
import type {
} from 'element-plus'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(15)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const fixedColumns =, columnIndex) => {
let fixed: TableV2FixedDir | undefined = undefined
if (columnIndex < 3) fixed = TableV2FixedDir.LEFT
if (columnIndex > 12) fixed = TableV2FixedDir.RIGHT
return { ...column, fixed, width: 100 }
const CustomizedHeader: FunctionalComponent<
> = ({ cells, columns, headerIndex }) => {
if (headerIndex === 2) return cells
const groupCells = [] as typeof cells
let width = 0
let idx = 0
columns.forEach((column, columnIndex) => {
if (column.placeholderSign === TableV2Placeholder)
else {
width += cells[columnIndex].props!.column.width
const nextColumn = columns[columnIndex + 1]
if (
columnIndex === columns.length - 1 ||
nextColumn.placeholderSign === TableV2Placeholder ||
idx === (headerIndex === 0 ? 4 : 2)
) {
class="flex items-center justify-center custom-header-cell"
width: `${width}px`,
Group width {width}
width = 0
idx = 0
return groupCells
const headerClass = ({
}: Parameters<HeaderClassNameGetter<any>>[0]) => {
if (headerIndex === 1) return 'el-primary-color'
return ''
.el-el-table-v2__header-row .custom-header-cell {
border-right: 1px solid var(--el-border-color);
.el-el-table-v2__header-row .custom-header-cell:last-child {
border-right: none;
.el-primary-color {
background-color: var(--el-color-primary);
color: var(--el-color-white);
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
.el-primary-color .custom-header-cell {
padding: 0 4px;
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import {
} from 'element-plus'
import { Filter } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import type { HeaderCellSlotProps } from 'element-plus'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = ref(generateData(columns, 200))
const shouldFilter = ref(false)
const popoverRef = ref()
const onFilter = () => {
if (shouldFilter.value) {
data.value = generateData(columns, 100, 'filtered-')
} else {
data.value = generateData(columns, 200)
const onReset = () => {
shouldFilter.value = false
columns[0].headerCellRenderer = (props: HeaderCellSlotProps) => {
return (
<div class="flex items-center justify-center">
<span class="mr-2 text-xs">{props.column.title}</span>
<ElPopover ref={popoverRef} trigger="click" {...{ width: 200 }}>
default: () => (
<div class="filter-wrapper">
<div class="filter-group">
<ElCheckbox v-model={shouldFilter.value}>
Filter Text
<div class="el-table-v2__demo-filter">
<ElButton text onClick={onFilter}>
<ElButton text onClick={onReset}>
reference: () => (
<ElIcon class="cursor-pointer">
<Filter />
const fixedColumns =, columnIndex) => {
let fixed: TableV2FixedDir | undefined = undefined
if (columnIndex < 2) fixed = TableV2FixedDir.LEFT
if (columnIndex > 9) fixed = TableV2FixedDir.RIGHT
return { ...column, fixed, width: 100 }
.el-table-v2__demo-filter {
border-top: var(--el-border);
margin: 12px -12px -12px;
padding: 0 12px;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { TableV2SortOrder } from 'element-plus'
import type { SortBy } from 'element-plus'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
let data = generateData(columns, 200)
columns[0].sortable = true
const sortState = ref<SortBy>({
key: 'column-0',
order: TableV2SortOrder.ASC,
const onSort = (sortBy: SortBy) => {
data = data.reverse()
sortState.value = sortBy
您可以在需要时定义多个可排序的列。 请记住,当您在定义了多个可排序的列时, UI 可能会显得有些奇怪,因为用户不知道哪一列被排序。
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { TableV2SortOrder } from 'element-plus'
import type { SortBy, SortState } from 'element-plus'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = ref(generateData(columns, 200))
columns[0].sortable = true
columns[1].sortable = true
const sortState = ref<SortState>({
'column-0': TableV2SortOrder.DESC,
'column-1': TableV2SortOrder.ASC,
const onSort = ({ key, order }: SortBy) => {
sortState.value[key] = order
data.value = data.value.reverse()
<div style="height: 400px">
<template #default="{ height, width }">
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
key: 'column-n-1',
width: 50,
title: 'Row No.',
cellRenderer: ({ rowIndex }) => `${rowIndex + 1}`,
align: 'center',
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const cellProps = ({ columnIndex }) => {
const key = `hovering-col-${columnIndex}`
return {
['data-key']: key,
onMouseenter: () => {
kls.value = key
onMouseleave: () => {
kls.value = ''
const kls = ref<string>('')
.hovering-col-0 [data-key='hovering-col-0'],
.hovering-col-1 [data-key='hovering-col-1'],
.hovering-col-2 [data-key='hovering-col-2'],
.hovering-col-3 [data-key='hovering-col-3'],
.hovering-col-4 [data-key='hovering-col-4'],
.hovering-col-5 [data-key='hovering-col-5'],
.hovering-col-6 [data-key='hovering-col-6'],
.hovering-col-7 [data-key='hovering-col-7'],
.hovering-col-8 [data-key='hovering-col-8'],
.hovering-col-9 [data-key='hovering-col-9'],
.hovering-col-10 [data-key='hovering-col-10'] {
background: var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color);
[data-key='hovering-col-0'] {
font-weight: bold;
user-select: none;
pointer-events: none;
虚拟化表格没有使用内置的 table
元素,故 colspan
和 rowspan
与 TableV1 比较略有不同。 通过定制的行渲染器,我们仍然可以实现这个需求。 在如下例子,你会学习如何做到这一点。
<el-table-v2 fixed :columns="columns" :data="data" :width="700" :height="400">
<template #row="props">
<Row v-bind="props" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { cloneVNode } from 'vue'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const colSpanIndex = 1
columns[colSpanIndex].colSpan = ({ rowIndex }) => (rowIndex % 4) + 1
columns[colSpanIndex].align = 'center'
const Row = ({ rowData, rowIndex, cells, columns }) => {
const colSpan = columns[colSpanIndex].colSpan({ rowData, rowIndex })
if (colSpan > 1) {
let width = Number.parseInt(cells[colSpanIndex]
for (let i = 1; i < colSpan; i++) {
width += Number.parseInt(cells[colSpanIndex + i]
cells[colSpanIndex + i] = null
const style = {
width: `${width}px`,
backgroundColor: 'var(--el-color-primary-light-3)',
cells[colSpanIndex] = cloneVNode(cells[colSpanIndex], { style })
return cells
既然我们有 Colspan 当然我们也有纵跨的列。它与 colspan 略有不同,但是原理相似。
<el-table-v2 fixed :columns="columns" :data="data" :width="700" :height="400">
<template #row="props">
<Row v-bind="props" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { cloneVNode } from 'vue'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const rowSpanIndex = 0
columns[rowSpanIndex].rowSpan = ({ rowIndex }) =>
rowIndex % 2 === 0 && rowIndex <= data.length - 2 ? 2 : 1
const Row = ({ rowData, rowIndex, cells, columns }) => {
const rowSpan = columns[rowSpanIndex].rowSpan({ rowData, rowIndex })
if (rowSpan > 1) {
const cell = cells[rowSpanIndex]
const style = {,
backgroundColor: 'var(--el-color-primary-light-3)',
height: `${rowSpan * 50 - 1}px`,
alignSelf: 'flex-start',
zIndex: 1,
cells[rowSpanIndex] = cloneVNode(cell, { style })
return cells
<el-table-v2 fixed :columns="columns" :data="data" :width="700" :height="400">
<template #row="props">
<Row v-bind="props" />
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { cloneVNode } from 'vue'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const colSpanIndex = 1
columns[colSpanIndex].colSpan = ({ rowIndex }) => (rowIndex % 4) + 1
columns[colSpanIndex].align = 'center'
const rowSpanIndex = 0
columns[rowSpanIndex].rowSpan = ({ rowIndex }) =>
rowIndex % 2 === 0 && rowIndex <= data.length - 2 ? 2 : 1
const Row = ({ rowData, rowIndex, cells, columns }) => {
const colSpan = columns[colSpanIndex].colSpan({ rowData, rowIndex })
if (colSpan > 1) {
let width = Number.parseInt(cells[colSpanIndex]
for (let i = 1; i < colSpan; i++) {
width += Number.parseInt(cells[colSpanIndex + i]
cells[colSpanIndex + i] = null
const style = {
width: `${width}px`,
backgroundColor: 'var(--el-color-primary-light-3)',
cells[colSpanIndex] = cloneVNode(cells[colSpanIndex], { style })
const rowSpan = columns[rowSpanIndex].rowSpan({ rowData, rowIndex })
if (rowSpan > 1) {
const cell = cells[rowSpanIndex]
const style = {,
backgroundColor: 'var(--el-color-danger-light-3)',
height: `${rowSpan * 50}px`,
alignSelf: 'flex-start',
zIndex: 1,
cells[rowSpanIndex] = cloneVNode(cell, { style })
} else {
const style = cells[rowSpanIndex]
// override the cell here for creating a pure node without pollute the style
cells[rowSpanIndex] = (
<div style={{, width: `${style.width}px` }} />
return cells
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
import { TableV2FixedDir } from 'element-plus'
import type { ExpandedRowsChangeHandler, RowExpandHandler } from 'element-plus'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10).map((column, columnIndex) => {
let fixed!: TableV2FixedDir
if (columnIndex < 2) fixed = TableV2FixedDir.LEFT
if (columnIndex > 8) fixed = TableV2FixedDir.RIGHT
return { ...column, fixed }
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const expandColumnKey = 'column-0'
// add some sub items
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
id: `${data[0].id}-sub-${i}`,
parentId: data[0].id,
[expandColumnKey]: `Sub ${i}`,
id: `${data[2].id}-sub-${i}`,
parentId: data[2].id,
[expandColumnKey]: `Sub ${i}`,
id: `${data[2].id}-sub-sub-${i}`,
parentId: `${data[2].id}-sub-${i}`,
[expandColumnKey]: `Sub-Sub ${i}`,
function unflatten(
data: ReturnType<typeof generateData>,
rootId = null,
dataKey = 'id',
parentKey = 'parentId'
) {
const tree: any[] = []
const childrenMap = {}
for (const datum of data) {
const item = { ...datum }
const id = item[dataKey]
const parentId = item[parentKey]
if (Array.isArray(item.children)) {
childrenMap[id] = item.children.concat(childrenMap[id] || [])
} else if (!childrenMap[id]) {
childrenMap[id] = []
item.children = childrenMap[id]
if (parentId !== undefined && parentId !== rootId) {
if (!childrenMap[parentId]) childrenMap[parentId] = []
} else {
return tree
const treeData = computed(() => unflatten(data))
const expandedRowKeys = ref<string[]>([])
const onRowExpanded = ({ expanded }: Parameters<RowExpandHandler<any>>[0]) => {
console.log('Expanded:', expanded)
const onExpandedRowsChange = (
expandedKeys: Parameters<ExpandedRowsChangeHandler>[0]
) => {
虚拟表格也支持渲染动态高度的单元格。当不知道一条数据具体的展示高度时,不妨使用动态渲染高度来解决。 通过设置预估行高度 estimated-row-height
来启用此 功能,估计值越接近,渲染效果将会越平滑。
每行的实际渲染高度是在渲染时动态测量的, 如果您尝试渲染大量数据,渲染界面 可能 会出现抖动。
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import {
} from 'element-plus'
import type { Column, SortBy } from '@element-plus/components/table-v2'
const longText =
'Quaerat ipsam necessitatibus eum quibusdam est id voluptatem cumque mollitia.'
const midText = 'Corrupti doloremque a quos vero delectus consequatur.'
const shortText = 'Eius optio fugiat.'
const textList = [shortText, midText, longText]
// generate random number in range 0 to 2
let id = 0
const dataGenerator = () => ({
id: `random:${++id}`,
name: 'Tom',
date: '2016-05-03',
description: textList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)],
const columns: Column<any>[] = [
key: 'id',
title: 'Id',
dataKey: 'id',
width: 150,
sortable: true,
fixed: TableV2FixedDir.LEFT,
key: 'name',
title: 'Name',
dataKey: 'name',
width: 150,
align: 'center',
cellRenderer: ({ cellData: name }) => <ElTag>{name}</ElTag>,
key: 'description',
title: 'Description',
dataKey: 'description',
width: 150,
cellRenderer: ({ cellData: description }) => (
<div style="padding: 10px 0;">{description}</div>
key: 'operations',
title: 'Operations',
cellRenderer: () => (
<ElButton size="small">Edit</ElButton>
<ElButton size="small" type="danger">
width: 150,
align: 'center',
const data = ref(
Array.from({ length: 200 })
.sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : -1))
const sort = ref<SortBy>({ key: 'name', order: TableV2SortOrder.ASC })
const onColumnSort = (sortBy: SortBy) => {
const order = sortBy.order === 'asc' ? 1 : -1
const dataClone = []
dataClone.sort((a, b) => (a[sortBy.key] > b[sortBy.key] ? order : -order))
sort.value = sortBy
data.value = dataClone
<template #row="props">
<Row v-bind="props" />
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const detailedText = `Velit sed aspernatur tempora. Natus consequatur officiis dicta vel assumenda.
Itaque est temporibus minus quis. Ipsum commodiab porro vel voluptas illum.
Qui quam nulla et dolore autem itaque est.
Id consequatur ipsum ea fuga et odit eligendi impedit.
Maiores officiis occaecati et magnam et sapiente est velit sunt.
Non et tempore temporibus. Excepturi et quos. Minus distinctio aut.
Voluptatem ea excepturi omnis vel. Non aperiam sit sed laboriosam eaque omnis deleniti.
Est molestiae omnis non et nulla repudiandae fuga sit.`
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = ref(
generateData(columns, 200).map((data) => {
data.children = [
id: `${}-detail-content`,
detail: detailedText,
return data
const Row = ({ cells, rowData }) => {
if (rowData.detail) return <div class="p-6">{rowData.detail}</div>
return cells
Row.inheritAttrs = false
.el-table-v2__row-depth-0 {
height: 50px;
.el-table-v2__cell-text {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
自定义表格 footer, 通常用来展示一些汇总数据和信息。
<template #footer
class="flex items-center"
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
background-color: var(--el-color-primary-light-7);
Display a message in the footer
<script lang="ts" setup>
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
<template #empty>
<div class="flex items-center justify-center h-100%">
<el-empty />
<script lang="tsx" setup>
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
<template #overlay>
style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center"
<el-icon class="is-loading" color="var(--el-color-primary)" :size="26">
<loading-icon />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Loading as LoadingIcon } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
.example-showcase .el-table-v2__overlay {
z-index: 9;
使用 Table V2 暴露的方法进行手动或编程式滚动指定偏移或行。
的第二个参数代表滚动策略,计算了要滚动的位置,其默认值是 auto
。 如果你想要表格滚动到某个特定位置,可以额外配置。 可用的选项是 "auto" | "center" | "end" | "start" | "smart"
之间的区别是, auto
是 smart
<div class="mb-4 flex items-center">
<el-form-item label="Scroll pixels" class="mr-4">
<el-input v-model="scrollDelta" />
<el-form-item label="Scroll rows">
<el-input v-model="scrollRows" />
<div class="mb-4 flex items-center">
<el-button @click="scrollByPixels"> Scroll by pixels </el-button>
<el-button @click="scrollByRows"> Scroll by rows </el-button>
<div style="height: 400px">
<template #default="{ height, width }">
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import type { TableV2Instance } from 'element-plus'
const generateColumns = (length = 10, prefix = 'column-', props?: any) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, columnIndex) => ({
key: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
dataKey: `${prefix}${columnIndex}`,
title: `Column ${columnIndex}`,
width: 150,
const generateData = (
columns: ReturnType<typeof generateColumns>,
length = 200,
prefix = 'row-'
) =>
Array.from({ length }).map((_, rowIndex) => {
return columns.reduce(
(rowData, column, columnIndex) => {
rowData[column.dataKey] = `Row ${rowIndex} - Col ${columnIndex}`
return rowData
id: `${prefix}${rowIndex}`,
parentId: null,
const columns = generateColumns(10)
const data = generateData(columns, 200)
const tableRef = ref<TableV2Instance>()
const scrollDelta = ref(200)
const scrollRows = ref(10)
function scrollByPixels() {
function scrollByRows() {
TableV2 属性
属性 | 描述说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
cache | 为了更好的渲染效果预先多加载的行数 | Number | 2 |
estimated-row-height | 渲染动态的单元格的预估高度 | Number | - |
header-class | header 部分的自定义 class 名 | String/Function<HeaderClassGetter> | - |
header-props | header 部分的自定义 props 名 | Object/Function<HeaderPropsGetter> | - |
header-cell-props | header cell 部分的自定义 props 名 | Object/Function<HeaderCellPropsGetter> | - |
header-height | header 部分的高度。当传入数组时, 将会渲染和数组长度一样多的 header 行 | Number/Array<Number> | 50 |
footer-height | footer 部分的高度,当传入值时,这部分将被计算入 table 的高度里 | Number | 0 |
row-class | row wrapper 部分的自定义 class 名 | String/Function<RowClassGetter> | - |
row-key | 每行的 key 值,如果不提供,将使用索引 index 代替 | String/Symbol/Number | id |
row-props | row component 部分的自定义 class 名 | Object/Function<RowPropsGetter> | - |
row-height | 每行的高度, 用于计算表的总高度 | Number | 50 |
cell-props | 每个单元格 cell 的自定义 props (除了 header cell 以外) | Object/Function<CellPropsGetter> | - |
columns | 列 column 的配置数组 | Array<Column> | - |
data | 要在表中渲染的数据数组 | Array<Data> | [] |
data-getter | 自定义数据源转换成表格消费的数据格式的处理函数 | Function | - |
fixed-data | 渲染行在表格主内容上方和 header 下方区域的数据 | Array<Data> | - |
expand-column-key | 列的 key 来标记哪个行可以被展开 | String | - |
expanded-row-keys | 存放行展开状态的 key 的数组,可以和 v-model 搭配使用 | Array<KeyType> | - |
default-expanded-row-keys | 默认展开的行的 key 的数组, 这个数据不是响应式的 | Array<KeyType> | - |
class | 表格的类名称,将应用于表格的全部的三个部分 (左、右、主) | String/Array/Object | - |
fixed | 单元格宽度是自适应还是固定 | Boolean | false |
width | 表的宽度,必填 | Number | - |
height | 表的高度,必填 | Number | - |
max-height | 表格的最大高度 | Number | - |
h-scrollbar-size | 配置表格的水平滚动条大小,防止水平和垂直滚动条重叠。 | Number | 6 |
v-scrollbar-size | 配置表格的水平滚动条大小,防止水平和垂直滚动条重叠。 | Number | 6 |
scrollbar-always-on | 如果开启,滚动条将一直显示,反之只会在鼠标经过时显示。 | Boolean | false |
sort-by | 排序方式 | Object<SortBy> | {} |
sort-state | 多个排序 | Object<SortState> | undefined |
TableV2 插槽
插槽名 | 参数 |
cell | CellSlotProps |
header | HeaderSlotProps |
header-cell | HeaderCellSlotProps |
row | RowSlotProps |
footer | - |
empty | - |
overlay | - |
Table 事件
事件名 | 描述 | 参数 |
column-sort | 列排序时调用 | Object<ColumnSortParam> |
expanded-rows-change | 行展开状态改变时触发 | Array<KeyType> |
end-reached | 到达表格末尾时触发 | - |
scroll | 表格被用户滚动后触发 | Object<ScrollParams> |
rows-rendered | 当行被渲染后触发 | Object<RowsRenderedParams> |
row-event-handlers | 当行被添加了 EventHandler 时触发 | Object<RowEventHandlers> |
Table 方法
事件名 | 描述 | 参数 |
scrollTo | Scroll to a given position | { scrollLeft?: number, scrollTop?: number} |
scrollToLeft | Scroll to a given horizontal position | scrollLeft: number |
scrollToTop | Scroll to a given vertical position | scrollTop: number |
scrollToRow | scroll to a given row with specified scroll strategy | row: number, strategy?: “auto” |”center” | “end” | “start” | “smart” |
请注意:这些是 JavaScript
对象,所以您 不能使用 短横线命名法(kebab-case)来处理这些属性
Column 属性
属性 | 描述 | 类型 | 默认值 |
align | 表格单元格内容对齐方式 | Alignment | left |
class | 列的类名 | String | - |
fixed | 固定列位置 | Boolean/ FixedDir | false |
flexGrow | CSS 属性 flex grow, 仅当不是固定表时才生效 | Number | 0 |
flexShrink | CSS 属性 flex shrink, 仅当不是固定表时才生效 | Number | 1 |
headerClass | 自定义 header 头部类名 | String | - |
hidden | 此列是否不可见 | Boolean | - |
style | 自定义列单元格的类名,将会与 gird 单元格合并 | CSSProperties | - |
sortable | 设置列是否可排序 | Boolean | - |
title | Header 头部单元格中的默认文本 | String | - |
maxWidth | 列的最大宽度 | String | - |
minWidth | 列的最小宽度 | String | - |
width * | 列的宽度 必填 | Number | - |
cellRenderer | 自定义单元格渲染器 | VueComponent/(props: CellRenderProps) => VNode | - |
headerRenderer | 自定义头部渲染器 | VueComponent/(props: HeaderRenderProps) => VNode | - |
type HeaderClassGetter = (param: {
columns: Column<any>[]
headerIndex: number
}) => string
type HeaderPropsGetter = (param: {
columns: Column<any>[]
headerIndex: number
}) => Record<string, any>
type HeaderCellPropsGetter = (param: {
columns: Column<any>[]
column: Column<any>
columnIndex: number
headerIndex: number
style: CSSProperties
}) => Record<string, any>
type RowClassGetter = (param: {
columns: Column<any>[]
rowData: any
rowIndex: number
}) => string
type RowPropsGetter = (param: {
columns: Column<any>[]
rowData: any
rowIndex: number
}) => Record<string, any>
type CellPropsGetter = (param: {
column: Column<any>
columns: Column<any>[]
columnIndex: number
cellData: any
rowData: any
rowIndex: number
}) => void
type CellRenderProps<T> = {
cellData: T
column: Column<T>
columns: Column<T>[]
columnIndex: number
rowData: any
rowIndex: number
type HeaderRenderProps<T> = {
column: Column<T>
columns: Column<T>[]
columnIndex: number
headerIndex: number
type ScrollParams = {
xAxisScrollDir: 'forward' | 'backward'
scrollLeft: number
yAxisScrollDir: 'forward' | 'backward'
scrollTop: number
type CellSlotProps<T> = {
column: Column<T>
columns: Column<T>[]
columnIndex: number
depth: number
style: CSSProperties
rowData: any
rowIndex: number
isScrolling: boolean
| {
rowData: any
rowIndex: number
onExpand: (expand: boolean) => void
| undefined
type HeaderSlotProps = {
cells: VNode[]
columns: Column<any>[]
headerIndex: number
type HeaderCellSlotProps = {
class: string
columns: Column<any>[]
column: Column<any>
columnIndex: number
headerIndex: number
style: CSSProperties
headerCellProps?: any
sortBy: SortBy
sortState?: SortState | undefined
onColumnSorted: (e: MouseEvent) => void
type RowSlotProps = {
columnIndex: number
rowIndex: number
data: any
key: number | string
isScrolling?: boolean | undefined
style: CSSProperties
type Data = {
[key: KeyType]: any
children?: Array<any>
type FixedData = Data
type KeyType = string | number | symbol
type ColumnSortParam<T> = { column: Column<T>; key: KeyType; order: SortOrder }
enum SortOrder {
ASC = 'asc',
DESC = 'desc',
type SortBy = { key: KeyType; Order: SortOrder }
type SortState = Record<KeyType, SortOrder>
由于可以自己定义单元格渲染器,您可以根据示例 自定义单元格渲染器 代码来渲染 checkbox
为什么虚拟化表提供的功能较 TableV1 少?
对于虚拟化表,我们打算减少一些功能,让用户根据需求自行实现。 整合过多的功能会让组件的代码变得难以维护,且对于大多数用户来说,基础功能就已足够。 一些主要的功能尚未开发。 我们很希望听从您的意见。 加入 Discord 频道 来跟上我们最新的进展!