
获取system preferences.


  1. const { systemPreferences } = require('electron')
  2. console.log(systemPreferences.isDarkMode())


systemPreferences 对象触发以下事件:

Event: 'accent-color-changed' Windows


  • event Event
  • newColor String - 用户指定的新 RGBA 颜色作为系统偏好颜色.

Event: 'color-changed' Windows


  • event Event

Event: 'inverted-color-scheme-changed' Windows


  • event Event
  • invertedColorScheme Boolean - 如果正在使用诸如高对比度主题的色彩方案,则为true, 否则为 false.

Event: 'appearance-changed' macOS


  • newAppearance String - Can be dark or light
    NOTE: This event is only emitted after you have called startAppLevelAppearanceTrackingOS


systemPreferences.isDarkMode() macOS


systemPreferences.isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled() macOS

返回值 Boolean - 是否在页面设置之间进行滑动。

systemPreferences.postNotification(event, userInfo) macOS

  • event String
  • userInfo Object
    发送 event 作为macOS的原生通知。 userInfo是一个Object,它包含随通知一起发送的用户信息字典。

systemPreferences.postLocalNotification(event, userInfo) macOS

  • event String
  • userInfo Object
    发送 event 作为macOS的原生通知。 userInfo是一个Object,它包含随通知一起发送的用户信息字典。

systemPreferences.postWorkspaceNotification(event, userInfo) macOS

  • event String
  • userInfo Object
    发送 event 作为macOS的原生通知。 userInfo是一个Object,它包含随通知一起发送的用户信息字典。

systemPreferences.subscribeNotification(event, callback) macOS

  • event String
  • callback Function - 回调函数

    • event String
    • userInfo Object
      Returns Number - The ID of this subscription

订阅macOS的原生通知,当通信的 event</ 0>发生时,将调用 <code>callback(event, userInfo)userInfo是一个Object,它包含随通知一起发送的用户信息字典。

返回订阅的 id, 可用于取消该订阅的 event.

在这个API下订阅NSDistributedNotificationCenterevent 的示例值为:

  • AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification
  • AppleAquaColorVariantChanged
  • AppleColorPreferencesChangedNotification
  • AppleShowScrollBarsSettingChanged

systemPreferences.subscribeLocalNotification(event, callback) macOS

  • event String
  • callback Function

    • event String
    • userInfo Object
      Returns Number - The ID of this subscription

subscribeNotification相同,但使用NSNotificationCenter作为本地默认值。 这对于诸如NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification的事件是必需的.

systemPreferences.subscribeWorkspaceNotification(event, callback) macOS

  • event String
  • callback Function - 回调函数

    • event String
    • userInfo Object
      Same as subscribeNotification, but uses NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace.notificationCenter. This is necessary for events such as NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification.

systemPreferences.unsubscribeNotification(id) macOS

  • id Integer
    使用 id 删除订阅。

systemPreferences.unsubscribeLocalNotification(id) macOS

  • id Integer

systemPreferences.unsubscribeWorkspaceNotification(id) macOS

  • id Integer
    Same as unsubscribeNotification, but removes the subscriber from NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace.notificationCenter.

systemPreferences.registerDefaults(defaults) macOS

  • defaults Object - 用户默认选项集 (key: value)

systemPreferences.getUserDefault(key, type) macOS

  • key String
  • type String - 可以为 string, boolean, integer, float, double, url, arraydictionary.
    返回 any - NSUserDefaultskey 的值.

常用的 keytype 的类型为:

  • AppleInterfaceStyle: string
  • AppleAquaColorVariant: integer
  • AppleHighlightColor: string
  • AppleShowScrollBars: string
  • NSNavRecentPlaces: array
  • NSPreferredWebServices: dictionary
  • NSUserDictionaryReplacementItems: array

systemPreferences.setUserDefault(key, type, value) macOS

  • key String
  • type String - See getUserDefault.
  • value String
    设置 NSUserDefaultskey 的值.

请注意,type应与value的实际类型匹配。 如果不存在,则抛出异常。

常用的 keytype 的类型为:

  • ApplePressAndHoldEnabled: boolean

systemPreferences.removeUserDefault(key) macOS

  • key String
    删除 NSUserDefaults 中的 key. 这可以用来恢复默认值或之前用 setUserDefault 设置的 key的全局值。

systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled() Windows

返回 Boolean - true 如果启用了 DWM composition (Aero Glass), 否则为 false.

使用它来确定是否应创建透明窗口的示例 (当禁用 DWM 组合时, 透明窗口无法正常工作):

  1. const { BrowserWindow, systemPreferences } = require('electron')
  2. let browserOptions = { width: 1000, height: 800 }
  3. // Make the window transparent only if the platform supports it.
  4. if (process.platform !== 'win32' || systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled()) {
  5. browserOptions.transparent = true
  6. browserOptions.frame = false
  7. }
  8. // Create the window.
  9. let win = new BrowserWindow(browserOptions)
  10. // Navigate.
  11. if (browserOptions.transparent) {
  12. win.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/index.html`)
  13. } else {
  14. // No transparency, so we load a fallback that uses basic styles.
  15. win.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/fallback.html`)
  16. }

systemPreferences.getAccentColor() Windows

返回 String - 用户当前系统偏好颜色,RGBA 十六进制形式.

  1. const color = systemPreferences.getAccentColor() // `"aabbccdd"`
  2. const red = color.substr(0, 2) // "aa"
  3. const green = color.substr(2, 2) // "bb"
  4. const blue = color.substr(4, 2) // "cc"
  5. const alpha = color.substr(6, 2) // "dd"

systemPreferences.getColor(color) Windows

  • color String - 下列值之一:

    • 3d-dark-shadow - 三维显示元素的暗阴影。
    • 3d-face - 面向三维显示元素和对话框背景的颜色。
    • 3d-highlight - 三维显示元素的高亮色.
    • 3d-light - 三维显示元素的亮色.
    • 3d-shadow - 三维显示元素的阴影颜色.
    • active-border - 活动窗口边框。
    • active-caption -活动窗口标题栏。 如果启用了渐变效果,则指定活动窗口标题栏的颜色渐变中的左侧颜色。
    • active-caption-gradient - 活动窗口标题栏的颜色渐变中的右侧颜色。
    • app-workspace - 多文档界面 (MDI) 应用程序的背景颜色。
    • button-text - 按钮上的文本。
    • caption-text - 标题,大小框和滚动条箭头框中的文本。
    • desktop - 桌面的背景色。
    • disabled-text - 灰色 (禁用的) 文字.
    • highlight - 在控件中选择的项目。
    • highlight-text - 在控件中选择的项目文本。
    • hotlight - 超链接或热追踪项目的颜色。
    • inactive-border - 非活动窗口边框。
    • inactive-caption -非活动窗口标题栏。 如果启用了渐变效果,则指定非活动窗口标题栏的颜色渐变中的左侧颜色。
    • inactive-caption-gradient - 非活动窗口标题栏的颜色渐变中的右侧颜色。
    • inactive-caption-text - 非活动标题中的文字颜色。
    • info-background - 工具提示控件的背景颜色。
    • info-text - 工具提示控件的文本颜色。
    • menu - 菜单的背景色.
    • menu-highlight - 当菜单显示为平面菜单时用于突出显示菜单项的颜色。
    • menubar - 菜单显示为平面菜单时菜单栏的背景颜色。
    • menu-text - 菜单的文字.
    • scrollbar - 滚动条的灰色区域.
    • window - 窗口的背景色.
    • window-frame - 窗口框.
    • window-text - 窗口的文字。
      返回 String -系统颜色设置为RGB十六进制格式 (#ABCDEF). 更多详细信息, 请查阅 Windows docs.aspx) 。

systemPreferences.isInvertedColorScheme() Windows

返回 Boolean - true 如果反转颜色方案(如高对比度主题)处于活动状态,否则为false

systemPreferences.getEffectiveAppearance() macOS

Returns String - Can be dark, light or unknown.

Gets the macOS appearance setting that is currently applied to your application, maps to NSApplication.effectiveAppearance

Please note that until Electron is built targeting the 10.14 SDK, your application's effectiveAppearance will default to 'light' and won't inherit the OS preference. In the interim in order for your application to inherit the OS preference you must set the NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance key in your apps Info.plist to false. If you are using electron-packager or electron-forge just set the enableDarwinDarkMode packager option to true. See the Electron Packager API for more details.

systemPreferences.getAppLevelAppearance() macOS

Returns String | null - Can be dark, light or unknown.

Gets the macOS appearance setting that you have declared you want for your application, maps to NSApplication.appearance. You can use the setAppLevelAppearance API to set this value.

systemPreferences.setAppLevelAppearance(appearance) macOS

  • appearance String | null - Can be dark or light
    Sets the appearance setting for your application, this should override the system default and override the value of getEffectiveAppearance.

systemPreferences.isTrustedAccessibilityClient(prompt) macOS

  • prompt Boolean - whether or not the user will be informed via prompt if the current process is untrusted.
    Returns Boolean - true if the current process is a trusted accessibility client and false if it is not.

systemPreferences.getMediaAccessStatus(mediaType) macOS

  • mediaType String - microphone or camera.
    Returns String - Can be not-determined, granted, denied, restricted or unknown.

This user consent was not required until macOS 10.14 Mojave, so this method will always return granted if your system is running 10.13 High Sierra or lower.

systemPreferences.askForMediaAccess(mediaType) macOS

  • mediaType String - the type of media being requested; can be microphone, camera.
    Returns Promise<Boolean> - A promise that resolves with true if consent was granted and false if it was denied. If an invalid mediaType is passed, the promise will be rejected. If an access request was denied and later is changed through the System Preferences pane, a restart of the app will be required for the new permissions to take effect. If access has already been requested and denied, it must be changed through the preference pane; an alert will not pop up and the promise will resolve with the existing access status.

Important: In order to properly leverage this API, you must set the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription and NSCameraUsageDescription strings in your app's Info.plist file. The values for these keys will be used to populate the permission dialogs so that the user will be properly informed as to the purpose of the permission request. See Electron Application Distribution for more information about how to set these in the context of Electron.

This user consent was not required until macOS 10.14 Mojave, so this method will always return true if your system is running 10.13 High Sierra or lower.