Multi-target syntax

Most APIs that accept a <data-stream>, <index>, or <target> request path parameter also support multi-target syntax.

In multi-target syntax, you can use a comma-separated list to run a request on multiple resources, such as data streams, indices, or index aliases: test1,test2,test3. You can also use glob-like) wildcard (*) expressions to target resources that match a pattern: test* or *test or te*t or *test*.

You can exclude targets using the - character: test*,-test3.

Index aliases are resolved after wildcard expressions. This can result in a request that targets an excluded alias. For example, if test3 is an index alias, the pattern test*,-test3 still targets the indices for test3. To avoid this, exclude the concrete indices for the alias instead.

Multi-target APIs that can target indices support the following query string parameters:


(Optional, boolean) If true, missing or closed indices are not included in the response. Defaults to false.


(Optional, boolean) If true, the request does not return an error if a wildcard expression or _all value retrieves only missing or closed indices.

This parameter also applies to index aliases that point to a missing or closed index.


(Optional, string) Controls what kind of indices that wildcard expressions can expand to. Multiple values are accepted when separated by a comma, as in open,hidden. Valid values are:

  • all

    Expand to open and closed indices, including hidden indices.


    Expand only to open indices.


    Expand only to closed indices.


    Expansion of wildcards will include hidden indices. Must be combined with open, closed, or both.


    Wildcard expressions are not accepted.

The defaults settings for the above parameters depend on the API being used.

Some multi-target APIs that can target indices also support the following query string parameter:


(Optional, boolean) If true, concrete, expanded or aliased indices are ignored when frozen. Defaults to true.

Single index APIs, such as the Document APIs and single-index alias APIs, do not support multi-target syntax.