
eKuiper support JWT RSA256 authentication for the RESTful management APIs since 1.4.0 if enabled . Users need put their Public Key in etc/mgmt folder and use the corresponding Private key to sign the JWT Tokens. When user request the RESTful apis, put the Token in http request headers in the following format:

  1. Authorization: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

If the token is correct, eKuiper will respond the result; otherwise, it will return http 401code.

JWT Header

  1. {
  2. "typ": "JWT",
  3. "alg": "RS256"
  4. }

JWT payload

The JWT Payload should use the following format

field optional meaning
iss false Issuer , must use the same name with the public key put in etc/mgmt
aud false Audience , must be eKuiper
exp true Expiration Time
jti true JWT ID
iat true Issued At
nbf true Not Before
sub true Subject

There is an example in json format

  1. {
  2. "iss": "",
  3. "adu": "eKuiper"
  4. }

When use this format, user must make sure the correct Public key file are under etc/mgmt .

JWT Signature

need use the Private key to sign the Tokens and put the corresponding Public Key in etc/mgmt .