Compile the plugins


  1. module plugins
  2. go 1.13
  3. replace => /$eKuiper
  4. require (
  5. v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 // indirect
  6. v0.0.0-20200723061832-5be6460b0c20
  7. )
  1. go mod edit -replace$eKuiper
  2. go build -trimpath -modfile extensions.mod --buildmode=plugin -o /$ekuiper/plugins/sinks/ /$ekuiper/extensions/sinks/tdengine/tdengine.go

Install plugin

Since the operation of the tdengine plug-in depends on the tdengine client, for the convenience of users, the tdengine client will be downloaded when the plug-in is installed. However, the tdengine client version corresponds to the server version one-to-one, which is not compatible with each other, so the user must inform the tdengine server version used.

Rule Actions Description

As the tdengine database requires a time stamp field in the table, the user must inform the time stamp field name of the data table (required tsFieldName). The user can choose whether to provide time stamp data. If not (provideTs=false), the content of the time stamp field is automatically generated by the tdengine database.

Name Type Optional Description
ip string false Database ip
port int false Database port
user string false Username
password string false Password
database string false Database name
table string false Table Name
fields []string true(Replace with data key when not filling in) Table field collection
provideTs Bool false Whether the user provides a timestamp field
tsFieldName String false Timestamp field name

Operation example

To create a database or table, refer to the following documents:


Create a stream

  1. curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"sql":"create stream demoStream(time string, age BIGINT) WITH ( DATASOURCE = \"device/+/message\", FORMAT = \"json\");"}'

Create a rule

  1. curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"id":"demoRule","sql":"SELECT * FROM demoStream;","actions":[{"tdengine":{"provideTs":true,"tsFieldName":"time","port":0,"ip":"","user":"root","password":"taosdata","database":"dbName","table":"tableName","fields":["time","age"]}}]}'

Send data

  1. mosquitto_pub -h -m '{"time":"2020-01-11 18:18:18", "age" : 18}' -t device/device_001/message