1 gRPC服务端日志
1.1 获取gRPC请求应用分布
* and comp:"server.egrpc" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
1.2 获取gRPC请求的应用状态码分布
* and comp:"server.egrpc" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, code GROUP by code order by count desc limit 10
1.3 获取gRPC请求的应用崩溃分布
* and comp:"server.egrpc" and msg:"access" and lv:"panic" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
1.4 获取gRPC请求的应用错误分布
* and comp:"server.egrpc" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
1.5 获取gRPC请求的应用慢日志分布
* and comp:"server.egrpc" and msg:"access" and event:"slow" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
1.6 获取某个应用gRPC的对端地址的错误分布
* and comp:"server.egrpc" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, peerIp GROUP by peerIp order by count desc limit 10
1.7 获取某个应用gRPC的对端应用名的错误分布
* and comp:"server.egrpc" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, peerName GROUP by peerName order by count desc limit 10
2 HTTP服务端日志
2.1 获取HTTP请求应用分布
* and comp:"server.ehttp" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
2.2 获取HTTP请求的应用状态码分布
* and comp:"server.ehttp" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, code GROUP by code order by count desc limit 10
2.3 获取HTTP请求的应用崩溃分布
* and comp:"server.ehttp" and msg:"access" and lv:"panic" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
2.4 获取HTTP请求的应用错误分布
* and comp:"server.ehttp" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
2.5 获取HTTP请求的应用慢日志分布
* and comp:"server.ehttp" and msg:"access" and event:"slow" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
2.6 获取某个应用HTTP的对端地址的错误分布
* and comp:"server.ehttp" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, peerIp GROUP by peerIp order by count desc limit 10
2.7 获取某个应用HTTP的对端应用名的错误分布
* and comp:"server.ehttp" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, peerName GROUP by peerName order by count desc limit 10
3 gRPC客户端日志
3.1 获取gRPC请求应用分布
* and comp:"client.egrpc" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
3.2 获取gRPC请求的应用状态码分布
* and comp:"client.egrpc" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, code GROUP by code order by count desc limit 10
3.3 获取gRPC请求的应用崩溃分布
* and comp:"client.egrpc" and msg:"access" and lv:"panic" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
3.4 获取gRPC请求的应用错误分布
* and comp:"client.egrpc" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
3.5 获取gRPC请求的应用慢日志分布
* and comp:"client.egrpc" and msg:"access" and event:"slow" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
3.6 获取某个应用gRPC的配置项错误分布
* and comp:"client.egrpc" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, compName GROUP by compName order by count desc limit 10
4 HTTP客户端日志
4.1 获取HTTP请求应用分布
* and comp:"client.ehttp" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
4.2 获取HTTP请求的应用状态码分布
* and comp:"client.ehttp" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, code GROUP by code order by count desc limit 10
4.3 获取HTTP请求的应用崩溃分布
* and comp:"client.ehttp" and msg:"access" and lv:"panic" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
4.4 获取HTTP请求的应用错误分布
* and comp:"client.ehttp" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
4.5 获取HTTP请求的应用慢日志分布
* and comp:"client.ehttp" and msg:"access" and event:"slow" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
4.6 获取某个应用HTTP 的配置项错误分布
* and comp:"client.ehttp" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, compName GROUP by compName order by count desc limit 10
5 Gorm客户端日志
5.1 获取Gorm请求应用分布
* and comp:"client.egorm" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
5.2 获取Gorm请求的应用状态码分布
* and comp:"client.egorm" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, code GROUP by code order by count desc limit 10
5.3 获取Gorm请求的应用崩溃分布
* and comp:"client.egorm" and msg:"access" and lv:"panic" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
5.4 获取Gorm请求的应用错误分布
* and comp:"client.egorm" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
5.5 获取Gomr请求的应用慢日志分布
* and comp:"client.egorm" and msg:"access" and event:"slow" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
5.6 获取某个应用Gorm的配置项错误分布
* and comp:"client.egorm" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, compName GROUP by compName order by count desc limit 10
6 Redis客户端日志
6.1 获取Redis请求应用分布
* and comp:"client.eredis" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
6.2 获取Gorm请求的应用状态码分布
* and comp:"client.eredis" and msg:"access" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, code GROUP by code order by count desc limit 10
6.3 获取Redis请求的应用崩溃分布
* and comp:"client.eredis" and msg:"access" and lv:"panic" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
6.4 获取Redis请求的应用错误分布
* and comp:"client.eredis" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
6.5 获取Redis请求的应用慢日志分布
* and comp:"client.eredis" and msg:"access" and event:"slow" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, app GROUP by app order by count desc limit 10
6.6 获取某个应用Redis的配置项错误分布
* and comp:"client.eredis" and msg:"access" and lv:"error" and app:"appname" | SELECT COUNT(*) as count, compName GROUP by compName order by count desc limit 10