
The delete command is used to delete objects from the database.

  1. delete Hero
  2. filter .name = 'Iron Man';


Deletion statements support filter, order by, and offset/limit clauses. See EdgeQL > Select for full documentation on these clauses.

  1. delete Hero
  2. filter .name ilike 'the %'
  3. order by .name
  4. offset 10
  5. limit 5;

Every link is associated with a link deletion policy. By default, it isn’t possible to delete an object linked to by another.

  1. db>
  1. delete Hero filter .name = "Yelena Belova";
  1. ConstraintViolationError: deletion of default::Hero
  2. (af7076e0-3e98-11ec-abb3-b3435bbe7c7e) is prohibited by link target policy
  3. {}

This deletion failed because Yelena is still in the characters list of the Black Widow movie. We must destroy this link before Yelena can be deleted.

  1. db>
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
  1. update Movie
  2. filter .title = "Black Widow"
  3. set {
  4. characters -= (select Hero filter .name = "Yelena Belova")
  5. };
  1. {default::Movie {id: af706c7c-3e98-11ec-abb3-4bbf3f18a61a}}
  1. db>
  1. delete Hero filter .name = "Yelena Belova";
  1. {default::Hero {id: af7076e0-3e98-11ec-abb3-b3435bbe7c7e}}

To avoid this behavior, we could update the Movie.characters link to use the allow deletion policy.

  1. type Movie {
  2. required property title -> str { constraint exclusive };
  3. required property release_year -> int64;
  4. multi link characters -> Person;
  5. multi link characters -> Person {
  6. on target delete allow;
  7. };
  8. }

Cascading deletes

If a link uses the delete source policy, then deleting a target of the link will also delete the object that links to it (the source). This behavior can be used to implement cascading deletes; be careful with this power!

The full list of deletion policies is documented at Schema > Links.

Return value

A delete statement returns the set of deleted objects. You can pass this set into select to fetch properties and links of the (now-deleted) objects. This is the last moment this data will be available before being permanently deleted.

  1. db>
  2. ...
  1. with movie := (delete Movie filter .title = "Untitled")
  2. select movie {id, title};
  1. {default::Movie {
  2. id: b11303c6-40ac-11ec-a77d-d393cdedde83,
  3. title: 'Untitled',
  4. }}

See also

Reference > Commands > Delete

Cheatsheets > Deleting data