
An index is a data structure used internally by a database to speed up filtering and sorting operations. Most commonly, indexes are declared within object type declarations and reference a particular property; this will speed up any query that references that property in a filter or order by clause.

While improving query performance, indexes also increase disk and memory usage and slow down insertions and updates. Creating too many indexes may be detrimental; only index properties you often filter or order by.

Index on a property

Below, we are referencing the property with the dot notation shorthand: .name.

  1. type User {
  2. required property name -> str;
  3. index on (.name);
  4. }

By indexing on, queries that filter by the name property will be faster, as the database can lookup a name in the index instead of scanning through all Users sequentially.

Index on an expression

Indexes may be defined using an arbitrary singleton expression that references multiple properties of the enclosing object type.

A singleton expression is an expression that’s guaranteed to return at most one one element. As such, you can’t index on a multi property.

  1. type User {
  2. required property first_name -> str;
  3. required property last_name -> str;
  4. index on (str_lower(.firstname + ' ' + .lastname));
  5. }

Index on multiple properties

A composite index is an index that references multiple properties. This will speed up queries that filter or sort on both properties. In EdgeDB, this is accomplished by indexing on a tuple of properties.

  1. type User {
  2. required property name -> str;
  3. required property email -> str;
  4. index on ((.name, .email));
  5. }

Link properties can also be indexed.

  1. abstract link friendship {
  2. property strength -> float64;
  3. index on (__subject__@strength);
  4. }
  5. type User {
  6. multi link friends extending friendship -> User;
  7. }

Annotate an index

Indexes can be augmented with annotations.

  1. type User {
  2. property name -> str;
  3. index on (.name) {
  4. annotation description := 'Indexing all users by name.';
  5. };
  6. }

Foreign and primary keys

In SQL databases, indexes are commonly used to index primary keys and foreign keys. In EdgeDB, these fields are automatically indexed; there’s no need to manually declare them. Moreover, any property with an exclusive constraint is also automatically indexed.

See also

SDL > Indexes

DDL > Indexes

Introspection > Indexes