4-3 Rules of Using the AutoGraph

There are three ways of constructing graph: static, dynamic and Autograph.

TensorFlow 2.X uses dynamic graph and Autograph.

Dynamic graph is easier for debugging with higher encoding efficiency, but with lower efficiency in execution.

Static graph has high efficiency in execution, but more difficult for debugging.

Autograph mechanism transforms dynamic graph into static graph, making allowance for both executing and encoding efficiencies.

There are certain rules for the code that is able to converted by Autograph, or it could result in failure or unexpected results.

We are going to introduce the coding rules of Autograph and its mechanism of converting into static graph, together with introduction about how to construct Autograph using tf.Module.

This section introduce the coding rules of using Autograph.

1. Summarization of the Coding Rules of Autograph

    1. We should use the TensorFlow-defined functions to be decorated by @tf.function as much as possible, instead of those Python functions. For instance, tf.print should be used instead of print; tf.range should be used instead of range; tf.constant(True) should be used instead of True.
    1. Avoid defining tf.Variable inside the decorator @tf.function.
    1. Functions that are decorated by @tf.function cannot modify the struct data types variables outside the function such as Python list, dictionary, etc.

2. Explanations to the Autograph Coding Rules

2.1 We should use the TensorFlow-defined functions to be decorated by @tf.function as much as possible, instead of those Python functions.

  1. import numpy as np
  2. import tensorflow as tf
  3. @tf.function
  4. def np_random():
  5. a = np.random.randn(3,3)
  6. tf.print(a)
  7. @tf.function
  8. def tf_random():
  9. a = tf.random.normal((3,3))
  10. tf.print(a)
  1. # Same results after each execution of np_random
  2. np_random()
  3. np_random()
  1. array([[ 0.22619201, -0.4550123 , -0.42587565],
  2. [ 0.05429906, 0.2312667 , -1.44819738],
  3. [ 0.36571796, 1.45578986, -1.05348983]])
  4. array([[ 0.22619201, -0.4550123 , -0.42587565],
  5. [ 0.05429906, 0.2312667 , -1.44819738],
  6. [ 0.36571796, 1.45578986, -1.05348983]])
  1. # New random numbers are generated after each execution of tf_random
  2. tf_random()
  3. tf_random()
  1. [[-1.38956189 -0.394843668 0.420657277]
  2. [2.87235498 -1.33740318 -0.533843279]
  3. [0.918233037 0.118598573 -0.399486482]]
  4. [[-0.858178258 1.67509317 0.511889517]
  5. [-0.545829177 -2.20118237 -0.968222201]
  6. [0.733958483 -0.61904633 0.77440238]]

2.2 Avoid defining tf.Variable inside the decorator @tf.function.

  1. # Avoid defining tf.Variable inside the decorator @tf.function.
  2. x = tf.Variable(1.0,dtype=tf.float32)
  3. @tf.function
  4. def outer_var():
  5. x.assign_add(1.0)
  6. tf.print(x)
  7. return(x)
  8. outer_var()
  9. outer_var()
  1. @tf.function
  2. def inner_var():
  3. x = tf.Variable(1.0,dtype = tf.float32)
  4. x.assign_add(1.0)
  5. tf.print(x)
  6. return(x)
  7. # Error after execution
  8. #inner_var()
  9. #inner_var()
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
  3. <ipython-input-12-c95a7c3c1ddd> in <module>
  4. 7
  5. 8 # Error after execution
  6. ----> 9 inner_var()
  7. 10 inner_var()
  8. ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/eager/def_function.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
  9. 566 xla_context.Exit()
  10. 567 else:
  11. --> 568 result = self._call(*args, **kwds)
  12. 569
  13. 570 if tracing_count == self._get_tracing_count():
  14. ......
  15. ValueError: tf.function-decorated function tried to create variables on non-first call.

2.3 Functions that are decorated by @tf.function cannot modify the struct data types variables outside the function such as Python list, dictionary, etc.

  1. tensor_list = []
  2. #@tf.function # Autograph will result in something unexpected if executing this line
  3. def append_tensor(x):
  4. tensor_list.append(x)
  5. return tensor_list
  6. append_tensor(tf.constant(5.0))
  7. append_tensor(tf.constant(6.0))
  8. print(tensor_list)
  1. [<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=5.0>, <tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=6.0>]
  1. tensor_list = []
  2. @tf.function # Autograph will result in something unexpected if executing this line
  3. def append_tensor(x):
  4. tensor_list.append(x)
  5. return tensor_list
  6. append_tensor(tf.constant(5.0))
  7. append_tensor(tf.constant(6.0))
  8. print(tensor_list)
  1. [<tf.Tensor 'x:0' shape=() dtype=float32>]

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