API reference
This page documents all of the API endpoints for each Druid service type.
The following endpoints are supported by all processes.
Process information
GET /status
Returns the Druid version, loaded extensions, memory used, total memory and other useful information about the process.
GET /status/health
An endpoint that always returns a boolean “true” value with a 200 OK response, useful for automated health checks.
GET /status/properties
Returns the current configuration properties of the process.
GET /status/selfDiscovered/status
Returns a JSON map of the form {"selfDiscovered": true/false}
, indicating whether the node has received a confirmation from the central node discovery mechanism (currently ZooKeeper) of the Druid cluster that the node has been added to the cluster. It is recommended to not consider a Druid node “healthy” or “ready” in automated deployment/container management systems until it returns {"selfDiscovered": true}
from this endpoint. This is because a node may be isolated from the rest of the cluster due to network issues and it doesn’t make sense to consider nodes “healthy” in this case. Also, when nodes such as Brokers use ZooKeeper segment discovery for building their view of the Druid cluster (as opposed to HTTP segment discovery), they may be unusable until the ZooKeeper client is fully initialized and starts to receive data from the ZooKeeper cluster. {"selfDiscovered": true}
is a proxy event indicating that the ZooKeeper client on the node has started to receive data from the ZooKeeper cluster and it’s expected that all segments and other nodes will be discovered by this node timely from this point.
GET /status/selfDiscovered
Similar to /status/selfDiscovered/status
, but returns 200 OK response with empty body if the node has discovered itself and 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE if the node hasn’t discovered itself yet. This endpoint might be useful because some monitoring checks such as AWS load balancer health checks are not able to look at the response body.
Master server
This section documents the API endpoints for the processes that reside on Master servers (Coordinators and Overlords) in the suggested three-server configuration.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/leader
Returns the current leader Coordinator of the cluster.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/isLeader
Returns a JSON object with field “leader”, either true or false, indicating if this server is the current leader Coordinator of the cluster. In addition, returns HTTP 200 if the server is the current leader and HTTP 404 if not. This is suitable for use as a load balancer status check if you only want the active leader to be considered in-service at the load balancer.
Segment loading
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadstatus
Returns the percentage of segments actually loaded in the cluster versus segments that should be loaded in the cluster.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadstatus?simple
Returns the number of segments left to load until segments that should be loaded in the cluster are available for queries. This does not include segment replication counts.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadstatus?full
Returns the number of segments left to load in each tier until segments that should be loaded in the cluster are all available. This includes segment replication counts.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadstatus?full&computeUsingClusterView
Returns the number of segments not yet loaded for each tier until all segments loading in the cluster are available. The result includes segment replication counts. It also factors in the number of available nodes that are of a service type that can load the segment when computing the number of segments remaining to load. A segment is considered fully loaded when:
- Druid has replicated it the number of times configured in the corresponding load rule.
- Or the number of replicas for the segment in each tier where it is configured to be replicated equals the available nodes of a service type that are currently allowed to load the segment in the tier.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadqueue
Returns the ids of segments to load and drop for each Historical process.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadqueue?simple
Returns the number of segments to load and drop, as well as the total segment load and drop size in bytes for each Historical process.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/loadqueue?full
Returns the serialized JSON of segments to load and drop for each Historical process.
Segment loading by datasource
Note that all interval query parameters are ISO 8601 strings (e.g., 2016-06-27/2016-06-28). Also note that these APIs only guarantees that the segments are available at the time of the call. Segments can still become missing because of historical process failures or any other reasons afterward.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/loadstatus?forceMetadataRefresh={boolean}&interval={myInterval}
Returns the percentage of segments actually loaded in the cluster versus segments that should be loaded in the cluster for the given datasource over the given interval (or last 2 weeks if interval is not given). forceMetadataRefresh
is required to be set.
- Setting
to true will force the coordinator to poll latest segment metadata from the metadata store (Note:forceMetadataRefresh=true
refreshes Coordinator’s metadata cache of all datasources. This can be a heavy operation in terms of the load on the metadata store but can be necessary to make sure that we verify all the latest segments’ load status) - Setting
to false will use the metadata cached on the coordinator from the last force/periodic refresh. If no used segments are found for the given inputs, this API returns204 No Content
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/loadstatus?simple&forceMetadataRefresh={boolean}&interval={myInterval}
Returns the number of segments left to load until segments that should be loaded in the cluster are available for the given datasource over the given interval (or last 2 weeks if interval is not given). This does not include segment replication counts. forceMetadataRefresh
is required to be set.
- Setting
to true will force the coordinator to poll latest segment metadata from the metadata store (Note:forceMetadataRefresh=true
refreshes Coordinator’s metadata cache of all datasources. This can be a heavy operation in terms of the load on the metadata store but can be necessary to make sure that we verify all the latest segments’ load status) - Setting
to false will use the metadata cached on the coordinator from the last force/periodic refresh. If no used segments are found for the given inputs, this API returns204 No Content
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/loadstatus?full&forceMetadataRefresh={boolean}&interval={myInterval}
Returns the number of segments left to load in each tier until segments that should be loaded in the cluster are all available for the given datasource over the given interval (or last 2 weeks if interval is not given). This includes segment replication counts. forceMetadataRefresh
is required to be set.
- Setting
to true will force the coordinator to poll latest segment metadata from the metadata store (Note:forceMetadataRefresh=true
refreshes Coordinator’s metadata cache of all datasources. This can be a heavy operation in terms of the load on the metadata store but can be necessary to make sure that we verify all the latest segments’ load status) - Setting
to false will use the metadata cached on the coordinator from the last force/periodic refresh.
You can pass the optional query parameter computeUsingClusterView
to factor in the available cluster services when calculating the segments left to load. See Coordinator Segment Loading for details. If no used segments are found for the given inputs, this API returns 204 No Content
Metadata store information
Note: Much of this information is available in a simpler, easier-to-use form through the Druid SQL sys.segments table.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/segments
Returns a list of all segments for each datasource enabled in the cluster.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/segments?datasources={dataSourceName1}&datasources={dataSourceName2}
Returns a list of all segments for one or more specific datasources enabled in the cluster.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/segments?includeOvershadowedStatus
Returns a list of all segments for each datasource with the full segment metadata and an extra field overshadowed
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/segments?includeOvershadowedStatus&datasources={dataSourceName1}&datasources={dataSourceName2}
Returns a list of all segments for one or more specific datasources with the full segment metadata and an extra field overshadowed
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources
Returns a list of the names of datasources with at least one used segment in the cluster, retrieved from the metadata database. Users should call this API to get the eventual state that the system will be in.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources?includeUnused
Returns a list of the names of datasources, regardless of whether there are used segments belonging to those datasources in the cluster or not.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources?includeDisabled
Returns a list of the names of datasources, regardless of whether the datasource is disabled or not.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources?full
Returns a list of all datasources with at least one used segment in the cluster. Returns all metadata about those datasources as stored in the metadata store.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}
Returns full metadata for a datasource as stored in the metadata store.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments
Returns a list of all segments for a datasource as stored in the metadata store.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments?full
Returns a list of all segments for a datasource with the full segment metadata as stored in the metadata store.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}
Returns full segment metadata for a specific segment as stored in the metadata store, if the segment is used. If the segment is unused, or is unknown, a 404 response is returned.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments
Returns a list of all segments, overlapping with any of given intervals, for a datasource as stored in the metadata store. Request body is array of string IS0 8601 intervals like [interval1, interval2,…] for example [“2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000”, “2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000”]
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments?full
Returns a list of all segments, overlapping with any of given intervals, for a datasource with the full segment metadata as stored in the metadata store. Request body is array of string ISO 8601 intervals like [interval1, interval2,…] for example [“2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000”, “2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000”]
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _
instead of a /
(e.g., 2016-06-27_2016-06-28).
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources
Returns a list of datasource names found in the cluster as seen by the coordinator. This view is updated every druid.coordinator.period.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources?simple
Returns a list of JSON objects containing the name and properties of datasources found in the cluster. Properties include segment count, total segment byte size, replicated total segment byte size, minTime, and maxTime.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources?full
Returns a list of datasource names found in the cluster with all metadata about those datasources.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}
Returns a JSON object containing the name and properties of a datasource. Properties include segment count, total segment byte size, replicated total segment byte size, minTime, and maxTime.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}?full
Returns full metadata for a datasource .
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals
Returns a set of segment intervals.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals?simple
Returns a map of an interval to a JSON object containing the total byte size of segments and number of segments for that interval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals?full
Returns a map of an interval to a map of segment metadata to a set of server names that contain the segment for that interval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals/{interval}
Returns a set of segment ids for an interval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals/{interval}?simple
Returns a map of segment intervals contained within the specified interval to a JSON object containing the total byte size of segments and number of segments for an interval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals/{interval}?full
Returns a map of segment intervals contained within the specified interval to a map of segment metadata to a set of server names that contain the segment for an interval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals/{interval}/serverview
Returns a map of segment intervals contained within the specified interval to information about the servers that contain the segment for an interval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments
Returns a list of all segments for a datasource in the cluster.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments?full
Returns a list of all segments for a datasource in the cluster with the full segment metadata.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}
Returns full segment metadata for a specific segment in the cluster.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/tiers
Return the tiers that a datasource exists in.
Note for coordinator’s POST and DELETE API’s
The segments would be enabled when these API’s are called, but then can be disabled again by the coordinator if any dropRule matches. Segments enabled by these API’s might not be loaded by historical processes if no loadRule matches. If an indexing or kill task runs at the same time as these API’s are invoked, the behavior is undefined. Some segments might be killed and others might be enabled. It’s also possible that all segments might be disabled but at the same time, the indexing task is able to read data from those segments and succeed.
Caution : Avoid using indexing or kill tasks and these API’s at the same time for the same datasource and time chunk. (It’s fine if the time chunks or datasource don’t overlap)
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}
Marks as used all segments belonging to a datasource. Returns a JSON object of the form {"numChangedSegments": <number>}
with the number of segments in the database whose state has been changed (that is, the segments were marked as used) as the result of this API call.
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}
Marks as used a segment of a datasource. Returns a JSON object of the form {"segmentStateChanged": <boolean>}
with the boolean indicating if the state of the segment has been changed (that is, the segment was marked as used) as the result of this API call.
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/markUsed
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/markUnused
Marks segments (un)used for a datasource by interval or set of segment Ids. When marking used only segments that are not overshadowed will be updated.
The request payload contains the interval or set of segment Ids to be marked unused. Either interval or segment ids should be provided, if both or none are provided in the payload, the API would throw an error (400 BAD REQUEST).
Interval specifies the start and end times as IS0 8601 strings. interval=(start/end)
where start and end both are inclusive and only the segments completely contained within the specified interval will be disabled, partially overlapping segments will not be affected.
JSON Request Payload:
Key | Description | Example |
interval | The interval for which to mark segments unused | “2015-09-12T03:00:00.000Z/2015-09-12T05:00:00.000Z” |
segmentIds | Set of segment Ids to be marked unused | [“segmentId1”, “segmentId2”] |
DELETE /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}
Marks as unused all segments belonging to a datasource. Returns a JSON object of the form {"numChangedSegments": <number>}
with the number of segments in the database whose state has been changed (that is, the segments were marked as unused) as the result of this API call.
DELETE /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/intervals/{interval}
@Deprecated. /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}?kill=true&interval={myInterval}
Runs a Kill task for a given interval and datasource.
DELETE /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}
Marks as unused a segment of a datasource. Returns a JSON object of the form {"segmentStateChanged": <boolean>}
with the boolean indicating if the state of the segment has been changed (that is, the segment was marked as unused) as the result of this API call.
Retention rules
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _
instead of a /
(e.g., 2016-06-27_2016-06-28).
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules
Returns all rules as JSON objects for all datasources in the cluster including the default datasource.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules/{dataSourceName}
Returns all rules for a specified datasource.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules/{dataSourceName}?full
Returns all rules for a specified datasource and includes default datasource.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules/history?interval=<interval>
Returns audit history of rules for all datasources. default value of interval can be specified by setting druid.audit.manager.auditHistoryMillis
(1 week if not configured) in Coordinator runtime.properties
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules/history?count=<n>
Returns last n
entries of audit history of rules for all datasources.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules/{dataSourceName}/history?interval=<interval>
Returns audit history of rules for a specified datasource. default value of interval can be specified by setting druid.audit.manager.auditHistoryMillis
(1 week if not configured) in Coordinator runtime.properties
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/rules/{dataSourceName}/history?count=<n>
Returns last n
entries of audit history of rules for a specified datasource.
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/rules/{dataSourceName}
POST with a list of rules in JSON form to update rules.
Optional Header Parameters for auditing the config change can also be specified.
Header Param Name | Description | Default |
X-Druid-Author | author making the config change | “” |
X-Druid-Comment | comment describing the change being done | “” |
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _
instead of a /
(e.g., 2016-06-27_2016-06-28).
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/intervals
Returns all intervals for all datasources with total size and count.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/intervals/{interval}
Returns aggregated total size and count for all intervals that intersect given isointerval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/intervals/{interval}?simple
Returns total size and count for each interval within given isointerval.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/intervals/{interval}?full
Returns total size and count for each datasource for each interval within given isointerval.
Dynamic configuration
See Coordinator Dynamic Configuration for details.
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _
instead of a /
(e.g., 2016-06-27_2016-06-28).
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/config
Retrieves current coordinator dynamic configuration.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/config/history?interval={interval}&count={count}
Retrieves history of changes to overlord dynamic configuration. Accepts interval
and count
query string parameters to filter by interval and limit the number of results respectively.
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/config
Update overlord dynamic worker configuration.
Automatic compaction status
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/compaction/progress?dataSource={dataSource}
Returns the total size of segments awaiting compaction for the given dataSource. The specified dataSource must have automatic compaction enabled.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/compaction/status
Returns the status and statistics from the auto-compaction run of all dataSources which have auto-compaction enabled in the latest run. The response payload includes a list of latestStatus
objects. Each latestStatus
represents the status for a dataSource (which has/had auto-compaction enabled). The latestStatus
object has the following keys:
: name of the datasource for this status informationscheduleStatus
: auto-compaction scheduling status. Possible values areNOT_ENABLED
. ReturnsRUNNING
if the dataSource has an active auto-compaction config submitted. Otherwise, returnsNOT_ENABLED
: total bytes of this datasource waiting to be compacted by the auto-compaction (only consider intervals/segments that are eligible for auto-compaction)bytesCompacted
: total bytes of this datasource that are already compacted with the spec set in the auto-compaction configbytesSkipped
: total bytes of this datasource that are skipped (not eligible for auto-compaction) by the auto-compactionsegmentCountAwaitingCompaction
: total number of segments of this datasource waiting to be compacted by the auto-compaction (only consider intervals/segments that are eligible for auto-compaction)segmentCountCompacted
: total number of segments of this datasource that are already compacted with the spec set in the auto-compaction configsegmentCountSkipped
: total number of segments of this datasource that are skipped (not eligible for auto-compaction) by the auto-compactionintervalCountAwaitingCompaction
: total number of intervals of this datasource waiting to be compacted by the auto-compaction (only consider intervals/segments that are eligible for auto-compaction)intervalCountCompacted
: total number of intervals of this datasource that are already compacted with the spec set in the auto-compaction configintervalCountSkipped
: total number of intervals of this datasource that are skipped (not eligible for auto-compaction) by the auto-compaction
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/compaction/status?dataSource={dataSource}
Similar to the API /druid/coordinator/v1/compaction/status
above but filters response to only return information for the {dataSource} given. Note that {dataSource} given must have/had auto-compaction enabled.
Automatic compaction configuration
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/config/compaction
Returns all automatic compaction configs.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/config/compaction/{dataSource}
Returns an automatic compaction config of a dataSource.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/config/compaction/{dataSource}/history?interval={interval}&count={count}
Returns the history of the automatic compaction config for a dataSource. Optionally accepts interval
and count
query string parameters to filter by interval and limit the number of results respectively. If the dataSource does not exist or there is no compaction history for the dataSource, an empty list is returned.
The response contains a list of objects with the following keys:
: A json object containing automatic compaction config that applies to the entire cluster.compactionConfig
: A json object containing the automatic compaction config for the datasource.auditInfo
: A json object that contains information about the change made - likeauthor
: The date and time when the change was made.
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/config/compaction/taskslots?ratio={someRatio}&max={someMaxSlots}
Update the capacity for compaction tasks. ratio
and max
are used to limit the max number of compaction tasks. They mean the ratio of the total task slots to the compaction task slots and the maximum number of task slots for compaction tasks, respectively. The actual max number of compaction tasks is min(max, ratio * total task slots)
. Note that ratio
and max
are optional and can be omitted. If they are omitted, default values (0.1 and unbounded) will be set for them.
POST /druid/coordinator/v1/config/compaction
Creates or updates the automatic compaction config for a dataSource. See Automatic compaction dynamic configuration for configuration details.
DELETE /druid/coordinator/v1/config/compaction/{dataSource}
Removes the automatic compaction config for a dataSource.
Server information
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/servers
Returns a list of servers URLs using the format {hostname}:{port}
. Note that processes that run with different types will appear multiple times with different ports.
GET /druid/coordinator/v1/servers?simple
Returns a list of server data objects in which each object has the following keys:
: host URL include ({hostname}:{port}
: process type (indexer-executor
: storage size currently usedmaxSize
: maximum storage sizepriority
GET /druid/indexer/v1/leader
Returns the current leader Overlord of the cluster. If you have multiple Overlords, just one is leading at any given time. The others are on standby.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/isLeader
This returns a JSON object with field “leader”, either true or false. In addition, this call returns HTTP 200 if the server is the current leader and HTTP 404 if not. This is suitable for use as a load balancer status check if you only want the active leader to be considered in-service at the load balancer.
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _
instead of a /
(e.g., 2016-06-27_2016-06-28).
GET /druid/indexer/v1/tasks
Retrieve list of tasks. Accepts query string parameters state
, datasource
, createdTimeInterval
, max
, and type
Query Parameter | Description |
state | filter list of tasks by task state, valid options are running , complete , waiting , and pending . |
datasource | return tasks filtered by Druid datasource. |
createdTimeInterval | return tasks created within the specified interval. |
max | maximum number of “complete” tasks to return. Only applies when state is set to “complete” . |
type | filter tasks by task type. See task documentation for more details. |
GET /druid/indexer/v1/completeTasks
Retrieve list of complete tasks. Equivalent to /druid/indexer/v1/tasks?state=complete
GET /druid/indexer/v1/runningTasks
Retrieve list of running tasks. Equivalent to /druid/indexer/v1/tasks?state=running
GET /druid/indexer/v1/waitingTasks
Retrieve list of waiting tasks. Equivalent to /druid/indexer/v1/tasks?state=waiting
GET /druid/indexer/v1/pendingTasks
Retrieve list of pending tasks. Equivalent to /druid/indexer/v1/tasks?state=pending
GET /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}
Retrieve the ‘payload’ of a task.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}/status
Retrieve the status of a task.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}/segments
This API is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
Retrieve information about the segments of a task.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}/reports
Retrieve a task completion report for a task. Only works for completed tasks.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/task
Endpoint for submitting tasks and supervisor specs to the Overlord. Returns the taskId of the submitted task.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}/shutdown
Shuts down a task.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/datasources/{dataSource}/shutdownAllTasks
Shuts down all tasks for a dataSource.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/taskStatus
Retrieve list of task status objects for list of task id strings in request body.
DELETE /druid/indexer/v1/pendingSegments/{dataSource}
Manually clean up pending segments table in metadata storage for datasource
. Returns a JSON object response with numDeleted
and count of rows deleted from the pending segments table. This API is used by the druid.coordinator.kill.pendingSegments.on
coordinator setting which automates this operation to perform periodically.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor
Returns a list of strings of the currently active supervisor ids.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?full
Returns a list of objects of the currently active supervisors.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | supervisor unique identifier |
state | String | basic state of the supervisor. Available states:UNHEALTHY_SUPERVISOR , UNHEALTHY_TASKS , PENDING , RUNNING , SUSPENDED , STOPPING . Check Kafka Docs for details. |
detailedState | String | supervisor specific state. (See documentation of specific supervisor for details), e.g. Kafka or Kinesis) |
healthy | Boolean | true or false indicator of overall supervisor health |
spec | SupervisorSpec | json specification of supervisor (See Supervisor Configuration for details) |
GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?state=true
Returns a list of objects of the currently active supervisors and their current state.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | supervisor unique identifier |
state | String | basic state of the supervisor. Available states: UNHEALTHY_SUPERVISOR , UNHEALTHY_TASKS , PENDING , RUNNING , SUSPENDED , STOPPING . Check Kafka Docs for details. |
detailedState | String | supervisor specific state. (See documentation of the specific supervisor for details, e.g. Kafka or Kinesis) |
healthy | Boolean | true or false indicator of overall supervisor health |
suspended | Boolean | true or false indicator of whether the supervisor is in suspended state |
GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>
Returns the current spec for the supervisor with the provided ID.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>/status
Returns the current status of the supervisor with the provided ID.
Returns an audit history of specs for all supervisors (current and past).
GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>/history
Returns an audit history of specs for the supervisor with the provided ID.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor
Create a new supervisor or update an existing one.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>/suspend
Suspend the current running supervisor of the provided ID. Responds with updated SupervisorSpec.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/suspendAll
Suspend all supervisors at once.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>/resume
Resume indexing tasks for a supervisor. Responds with updated SupervisorSpec.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/resumeAll
Resume all supervisors at once.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>/reset
Reset the specified supervisor.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>/terminate
Terminate a supervisor of the provided ID.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/terminateAll
Terminate all supervisors at once.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/<supervisorId>/shutdown
This API is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please use the equivalent ‘terminate’ instead.
Shutdown a supervisor.
Dynamic configuration
See Overlord Dynamic Configuration for details.
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _
instead of a /
(e.g., 2016-06-27_2016-06-28).
GET /druid/indexer/v1/worker
Retrieves current overlord dynamic configuration.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/worker/history?interval={interval}&count={count}
Retrieves history of changes to overlord dynamic configuration. Accepts interval
and count
query string parameters to filter by interval and limit the number of results respectively.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/workers
Retrieves a list of all the worker nodes in the cluster along with its metadata.
GET /druid/indexer/v1/scaling
Retrieves overlord scaling events if auto-scaling runners are in use.
POST /druid/indexer/v1/worker
Update overlord dynamic worker configuration.
Data server
This section documents the API endpoints for the processes that reside on Data servers (MiddleManagers/Peons and Historicals) in the suggested three-server configuration.
GET /druid/worker/v1/enabled
Check whether a MiddleManager is in an enabled or disabled state. Returns JSON object keyed by the combined druid.host
and druid.port
with the boolean state as the value.
GET /druid/worker/v1/tasks
Retrieve a list of active tasks being run on MiddleManager. Returns JSON list of taskid strings. Normal usage should prefer to use the /druid/indexer/v1/tasks
Overlord API or one of it’s task state specific variants instead.
GET /druid/worker/v1/task/{taskid}/log
Retrieve task log output stream by task id. Normal usage should prefer to use the /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}/log
Overlord API instead.
POST /druid/worker/v1/disable
Disable a MiddleManager, causing it to stop accepting new tasks but complete all existing tasks. Returns JSON object keyed by the combined druid.host
and druid.port
POST /druid/worker/v1/enable
Enable a MiddleManager, allowing it to accept new tasks again if it was previously disabled. Returns JSON object keyed by the combined druid.host
and druid.port
POST /druid/worker/v1/task/{taskid}/shutdown
Shutdown a running task by taskid
. Normal usage should prefer to use the /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}/shutdown
Overlord API instead. Returns JSON:
GET /druid/worker/v1/chat/{taskId}/rowStats
Retrieve a live row stats report from a Peon. See task reports for more details.
GET /druid/worker/v1/chat/{taskId}/unparseableEvents
Retrieve an unparseable events report from a Peon. See task reports for more details.
Segment loading
GET /druid/historical/v1/loadstatus
Returns JSON of the form {"cacheInitialized":<value>}
, where value is either true
or false
indicating if all segments in the local cache have been loaded. This can be used to know when a Historical process is ready to be queried after a restart.
GET /druid/historical/v1/readiness
Similar to /druid/historical/v1/loadstatus
, but instead of returning JSON with a flag, responses 200 OK if segments in the local cache have been loaded, and 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE, if they haven’t.
Query server
This section documents the API endpoints for the processes that reside on Query servers (Brokers) in the suggested three-server configuration.
Datasource information
Note that all interval URL parameters are ISO 8601 strings delimited by a _
instead of a /
(e.g., 2016-06-27_2016-06-28).
Note: Much of this information is available in a simpler, easier-to-use form through the Druid SQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS, and sys.segments tables.
GET /druid/v2/datasources
Returns a list of queryable datasources.
GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName}
Returns the dimensions and metrics of the datasource. Optionally, you can provide request parameter “full” to get list of served intervals with dimensions and metrics being served for those intervals. You can also provide request param “interval” explicitly to refer to a particular interval.
If no interval is specified, a default interval spanning a configurable period before the current time will be used. The default duration of this interval is specified in ISO 8601 duration format via: druid.query.segmentMetadata.defaultHistory
GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName}/dimensions
This API is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please use SegmentMetadataQuery instead which provides more comprehensive information and supports all dataSource types including streaming dataSources. It’s also encouraged to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables if you’re using SQL.
Returns the dimensions of the datasource.
GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName}/metrics
This API is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please use SegmentMetadataQuery instead which provides more comprehensive information and supports all dataSource types including streaming dataSources. It’s also encouraged to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables if you’re using SQL.
Returns the metrics of the datasource.
GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName}/candidates?intervals={comma-separated-intervals}&numCandidates={numCandidates}
Returns segment information lists including server locations for the given datasource and intervals. If “numCandidates” is not specified, it will return all servers for each interval.
Load Status
GET /druid/broker/v1/loadstatus
Returns a flag indicating if the Broker knows about all segments in the cluster. This can be used to know when a Broker process is ready to be queried after a restart.
GET /druid/broker/v1/readiness
Similar to /druid/broker/v1/loadstatus
, but instead of returning a JSON, responses 200 OK if its ready and otherwise 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE.
POST /druid/v2/
The endpoint for submitting queries. Accepts an option ?pretty
that pretty prints the results.
POST /druid/v2/candidates/
Returns segment information lists including server locations for the given query..
Note: Much of this information is available in a simpler, easier-to-use form through the Druid SQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS, and sys.segments tables.
GET /druid/v2/datasources
Returns a list of queryable datasources.
GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName}
Returns the dimensions and metrics of the datasource.
GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName}/dimensions
Returns the dimensions of the datasource.
GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName}/metrics
Returns the metrics of the datasource.