
  1. ACL DELUSER username

ACL categories: @admin, @slow, @dangerous

Delete a user from the ACL registry. If the user has open connections, those connections will be killed. Keep in mind that if the user is in the middle of a running script or if any other transactions from that user have started, the connection will close and the transaction will complete normally (unless there was an error). This is a deterministic behavior since, by the time the user was deleted from the system, the user had already begun (and consequently had the credentials) to start and complete that transaction.


Simple string reply: OK if the user was deleted, error otherwise.


  1. dragonfly> ACL DELUSER myuser
  2. (error) ERR User myuser does not exist
  3. dragonfly> ACL SETUSER myuser ON >mypass +@string +@fast -@slow
  4. OK
  5. dragonfly> ACL DELUSER myuser
  6. OK