📄️ JSON.ARRAPPEND Append one or more json values into the array at path after the last element in it.

📄️ JSON.ARRINDEX Returns the index of the first occurrence of a JSON scalar value in the array at path

📄️ JSON.ARRINSERT Inserts the JSON scalar(s) value at the specified index in the array at path

📄️ JSON.ARRLEN Returns the length of the array at path

📄️ JSON.ARRPOP Removes and returns the element at the specified index in the array at path

📄️ JSON.ARRTRIM Trims the array at path to contain only the specified inclusive range of indices from start to stop

📄️ JSON.CLEAR Clears all values from an array or an object and sets numeric values to `0`

📄️ JSON.DEBUG HELP Shows helpful information

📄️ JSON.DEBUG Debugging container command

📄️ JSON.DEL Deletes a value

📄️ JSON.FORGET Deletes a value

📄️ JSON.GET Gets the value at one or more paths in JSON serialized form

📄️ JSON.MGET Returns the values at a path from one or more keys

📄️ JSON.NUMINCRBY Increments the numeric value at path by a value

📄️ JSON.NUMMULTBY Multiplies the numeric value at path by a value

📄️ JSON.OBJKEYS Returns the JSON keys of the object at path

📄️ JSON.OBJLEN Returns the number of keys of the object at path

📄️ JSON.RESP Returns the JSON value at path in Redis Serialization Protocol (RESP)

📄️ JSON.SET Sets or updates the JSON value at a path

📄️ JSON.STRAPPEND Appends a string to a JSON string value at path

📄️ JSON.STRLEN Returns the length of the JSON String at path in key

📄️ JSON.TOGGLE Toggles a boolean value

📄️ JSON.TYPE Returns the type of the JSON value at path