
  1. KEYS pattern

Time complexity: O(N) with N being the number of keys in the database, under the assumption that the key names in the database and the given pattern have limited length.

Returns all keys matching pattern.

While the time complexity for this operation is O(N), the constant times are fairly low.

Supported glob-style patterns:

  • h?llo matches hello, hallo and hxllo
  • h*llo matches hllo and heeeello
  • h[ae]llo matches hello and hallo, but not hillo
  • h[^e]llo matches hallo, hbllo, … but not hello
  • h[a-b]llo matches hallo and hbllo

Use \ to escape special characters if you want to match them verbatim.


Array reply: list of keys matching pattern.

Number of elements returned:

Dragonfly protects itself from an overwhelming number of returned keys by imposing a limit on the quantity. To modify this limit, update the value of the “keys_output_limit” flag. Please refer to Dragonfly configuration for more information how to change dragonfly flag values.


  1. dragonfly> MSET firstname Jack lastname Stuntman age 35
  2. "OK"
  3. dragonfly> KEYS *name*
  4. 1) "lastname"
  5. 2) "firstname"
  6. dragonfly> KEYS a??
  7. 1) "age"
  8. dragonfly> KEYS *
  9. 1) "lastname"
  10. 2) "age"
  11. 3) "firstname"