
Doris provides a wealth of usage samples, which can help Doris users quickly get started to experience the features of Doris.


The sample codes are stored in the samples/Samples - 图1 (opens new window) directory of the Doris code base.

  1. ├── connect
  2. ├── doris-demo
  3. ├── insert
  4. └── mini_load
  • connect/

    This catalog mainly shows the code examples of connecting Doris in various programming languages.

  • doris-demo/

    The code examples of the multiple functions of Doris are shown mainly in the form of Maven project. Such as spark-connector and flink-connector usage examples, integration with the Spring framework, Stream Load examples, and so on.

  • insert/

    This catalog shows some code examples of importing data through python or shell script calling Doris’s Insert command.

  • miniload/

    This catalog shows the code example of calling mini load through python to import data. However, because the mini load function has been replaced by the stream load function, it is recommended to use the stream load function for data import.