

  1. SHOW [FULL] [BUILTIN] FUNCTIONS [IN|FROM db] [LIKE 'function_pattern']


full: Indicate to show the details of function builtin: Indicate to show the functions that doris provides db: The name of the database to query function_pattern: The parameter to filter function name

Look at all the custom(builtin) functions under the database. If the user specifies the database, then look at the corresponding database, otherwise directly query the database where the current session is located.

You need `SHOW’privileges for this database


  1. mysql> show full functions in testDb\G
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. Signature: my_add(INT,INT)
  4. Return Type: INT
  5. Function Type: Scalar
  6. Intermediate Type: NULL
  7. Properties: {"symbol":"_ZN9doris_udf6AddUdfEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_6IntValES4_","object_file":"http://host:port/","md5":"cfe7a362d10f3aaf6c49974ee0f1f878"}
  8. *************************** 2. row ***************************
  9. Signature: my_count(BIGINT)
  10. Return Type: BIGINT
  11. Function Type: Aggregate
  12. Intermediate Type: NULL
  13. Properties: {"object_file":"http://host:port/","finalize_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf13CountFinalizeEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_9BigIntValE","init_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf9CountInitEPNS_15FunctionContextEPNS_9BigIntValE","merge_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf10CountMergeEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_9BigIntValEPS2_","md5":"37d185f80f95569e2676da3d5b5b9d2f","update_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf11CountUpdateEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_6IntValEPNS_9BigIntValE"}
  14. 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  15. mysql> show builtin functions in testDb like 'year%';
  16. +---------------+
  17. | Function Name |
  18. +---------------+
  19. | year |
  20. | years_add |
  21. | years_diff |
  22. | years_sub |
  23. +---------------+
  24. 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
