

Use Jupyter Task to create a jupyter-type task and execute jupyter notes. When the worker executes Jupyter Task, it will use papermill to evaluate jupyter notes. Click here for details about papermill.

Conda Configuration

  • Config conda.path in common.properties to the path of your conda.sh, which should be the same conda you use to manage the python environment of your papermill and jupyter. Click here for more information about conda.
  • conda.path is set to /opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh by default. If you have no idea where your conda is, simply run conda info | grep -i 'base environment'.

NOTE: Jupyter Task Plugin uses source command to activate conda environment. If your tenant does not have permission to use source, Jupyter Task Plugin will not function.

Python Dependency Management

Use Pre-Installed Conda Environment

  1. Create a conda environment manually or using shell task on your target worker.
  2. In your jupyter task, set condaEnvName as the name of the conda environment you just created.

Use Packed Conda Environment

  1. Use Conda-Pack to pack your conda environment into tarball.
  2. Upload packed conda environment to resource center.
  3. Set condaEnvName as the name of your packed conda environment in your jupyter task, e.g. jupyter_env.tar.gz.
  4. Select your packed conda environment as resource in your jupyter task, e.g. jupyter_env.tar.gz.

NOTE: Make sure you follow the Conda-Pack official instructions. If you unpack your packed conda environment, the directory structure should be the same as below:

  1. .
  2. ├── bin
  3. ├── conda-meta
  4. ├── etc
  5. ├── include
  6. ├── lib
  7. ├── share
  8. └── ssl

NOTICE: Please follow the conda pack instructions above strictly, and DO NOT modify bin/activate. Jupyter Task Plugin uses source command to activate your packed conda environment. If you are concerned about using source, choose other options to manage your python dependency.

Construct From Requirements

  1. Upload or create a .txt file of requirements with your python dependencies in Resource Center.
  2. Set condaEnvName as the name of your file of requirements in your jupyter task, e.g. requirements.txt.
  3. Select your file of requirements as resource in your jupyter task, e.g. requirements.txt.

Here is an example file of requirements, from which jupyter task plugin will automatically construct your python dependencies, run your python code and finally tear down the environment:

  1. fastjsonschema==2.15.3
  2. fonttools==4.33.3
  3. geojson==2.5.0
  4. identify==2.4.11
  5. idna==3.3
  6. importlib-metadata==4.11.3
  7. importlib-resources==5.7.1
  8. ipykernel==5.5.6
  9. ipython==8.2.0
  10. ipython-genutils==0.2.0
  11. jedi==0.18.1
  12. Jinja2==3.1.1
  13. json5==0.9.6
  14. jsonschema==4.4.0
  15. jupyter-client==7.3.0
  16. jupyter-core==4.10.0
  17. jupyter-server==1.17.0
  18. jupyterlab==3.3.4
  19. jupyterlab-pygments==0.2.2
  20. jupyterlab-server==2.13.0
  21. kiwisolver==1.4.2
  22. MarkupSafe==2.1.1
  23. matplotlib==3.5.2
  24. matplotlib-inline==0.1.3
  25. mistune==0.8.4
  26. nbclassic==0.3.7
  27. nbclient==0.6.0
  28. nbconvert==6.5.0
  29. nbformat==5.3.0
  30. nest-asyncio==1.5.5
  31. notebook==6.4.11
  32. notebook-shim==0.1.0
  33. numpy==1.22.3
  34. packaging==21.3
  35. pandas==1.4.2
  36. pandocfilters==1.5.0
  37. papermill==2.3.4

Create Task

  • Click Project Management-Project Name-Workflow Definition, and click the Create Workflow button to enter the DAG editing page.
  • Drag Jupyter - 图1 from the toolbar to the canvas.

Task Parameters

Conda Env NameName of conda environment or packed conda environment tarball.
Input Note PathPath of input jupyter note template.
Out Note PathPath of output note.
Jupyter ParametersParameters in json format used for jupyter note parameterization.
KernelJupyter notebook kernel.
EngineEngine to evaluate jupyter notes.
Jupyter Execution TimeoutTimeout set for each jupyter notebook cell.
Jupyter Start TimeoutTimeout set for jupyter notebook kernel.
OthersOther command options for papermill.

Task Example

Jupyter Task Example

This example illustrates how to create a jupyter task node.
