K8S Node


K8S task type used to execute a batch task. In this task, the worker submits the task by using a k8s client.

Create Task

  • Click Project Management -> Project Name -> Workflow Definition, and click the Create Workflow button to enter the DAG editing page.
  • Drag from the toolbar Kubernetes - 图1 to the canvas.

Task Parameters

NamespaceThe namespace for running k8s task.
Min CPUMinimum CPU requirement for running k8s task.
Min MemoryMinimum memory requirement for running k8s task.
ImageThe registry url for image.
Custom parameterIt is a local user-defined parameter for K8S task, these params will pass to container as environment variables.

Task Example

Configure the K8S Environment in DolphinScheduler

If you are using the K8S task type in a production environment, the K8S cluster environment is required.

Configure K8S Nodes

Configure the required content according to the parameter descriptions above.



Task name contains only lowercase alphanumeric characters or ‘-‘