Webex Teams
If you need to use Webex Teams
to alert, create an alert instance in the alert instance management, and choose the WebexTeams plugin. You can pick private alert or room group chat alert. The following is the WebexTeams
configuration example:
Parameter Configuration
Parameter | Description |
botAccessToken | The access token of robot. |
roomID | The ID of the room that receives message (only support one room ID). |
toPersonId | The person ID of the recipient when sending a private 1:1 message. |
toPersonEmail | The email address of the recipient when sending a private 1:1 message. |
atSomeoneInRoom | If the message destination is room, the emails of the person being @, use , (eng commas) to separate multiple emails. |
destination | The destination of the message (one message only support one destination). |
Create Bot
Create a bot visit Official Website My-Apps to Create a New APP
and select Create a Bot
, fill in the bot information and acquire bot username
and bot ID
for further usage.
Create a Room
Create a root visit Official Website for Developer APIs to create a new room, fill in the room name and acquire id
(room ID) and creatorId
for further usage.
Invite Bot to the Room
Invite bot to the room by invite bot Email (bot username).
Send Private Message
In this way, you can send private message to a person by User Email
or UserId
in a private conversation. Fill in the To Person Id
or To Person Email
(recommended) and Bot Access Token
and select Destination
or personId
. The user Email
is user register Email. The userId
we can acquire it from the creatorId
of creating a new group chat room API.
Private Alert Message Example
Send Group Room Message
In this way, you can send group room message to a room by Room ID
. Fill in the Room Id
and Bot Access Token
and select Destination
. The Room ID
we can acquire it from the id
of creating a new group chat room API.