Have Questions?
Chat rooms are great for quick questions or discussions on specialized topics.
The following chat rooms are officially part of Apache DolphinScheduler:
The Slack workspace URL: http://asf-dolphinscheduler.slack.com/.
You can join through invitation url: https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-1e0s4agia-Ofkxa93zStmqTm9UsQBE8g.
This chat room is used for questions and discussions related to using DolphinScheduler.
Mailing Lists
- dev@dolphinscheduler.apache.org is for people who want to contribute code to DolphinScheduler. (subscribe)) (unsubscribe)) (archives)
Some quick tips when using email:
Tagging the subject line of your email will help you get a faster response, e.g. [api-server]: How to get open api interface?
Tags may help identify a topic by:
- Component: MasterServer,ApiServer,WorkerServer,AlertServer, etc
- Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
- Scenario: Debug, How-to
- For error logs or long code examples, please use GitHub gist and include only a few lines of the pertinent code / log within the email.
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