Apache SeaTunnel


SeaTunnel task type for creating and executing SeaTunnel tasks. When the worker executes this task, it will parse the config file through the start-seatunnel-spark.sh or start-seatunnel-flink.sh command. Click here for more information about Apache SeaTunnel.

Create Task

  • Click Project Management -> Project Name -> Workflow Definition, and click the “Create Workflow” button to enter the DAG editing page.
  • Drag the SeaTunnel - 图1 from the toolbar to the drawing board.

Task Parameter

  • Please refer to DolphinScheduler Task Parameters Appendix for default parameters.

  • Engine: Supports FLINK and SPARK

    • FLINK
      • Run model: supports run and run-application modes
      • Option parameters: used to add the parameters of the Flink engine, such as -m yarn-cluster -ynm seatunnel
    • SPARK

      • Deployment mode: specify the deployment mode, cluster client local

      • Master: Specify the Master model, yarn local spark mesos, where spark and mesos need to specify the Master service address, for example:

        Click here for more information on the usage of Apache SeaTunnel command

  • Custom Configuration: Supports custom configuration or select configuration file from Resource Center

    Click here for more information about Apache SeaTunnel config file

  • Script: Customize configuration information on the task node, including four parts: env source transform sink

Task Example

This sample demonstrates using the Flink engine to read data from a Fake source and print to the console.

Configuring the SeaTunnel environment in DolphinScheduler

If you want to use the SeaTunnel task type in the production environment, you need to configure the required environment first. The configuration file is as follows: /dolphinscheduler/conf/env/dolphinscheduler_env.sh.


Configuring SeaTunnel Task Node

According to the above parameter description, configure the required content.


Config example

  1. env {
  2. execution.parallelism = 1
  3. }
  4. source {
  5. FakeSource {
  6. result_table_name = "fake"
  7. field_name = "name,age"
  8. }
  9. }
  10. transform {
  11. sql {
  12. sql = "select name,age from fake"
  13. }
  14. }
  15. sink {
  16. ConsoleSink {}
  17. }