
Table Schema

see sql files in dolphinscheduler/dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/sql

E-R Diagram

User Queue DataSource


  • One tenant can own Multiple users.
  • The queue field in the t_ds_user table stores the queue_name information in the t_ds_queue table, t_ds_tenant stores queue information using queue_id column. During the execution of the process definition, the user queue has the highest priority. If the user queue is null, use the tenant queue.
  • The user_id field in the t_ds_datasource table shows the user who create the data source. The user_id in t_ds_relation_datasource_user shows the user who has permission to the data source.

Project Resource Alert


  • User can have multiple projects, user project authorization completes the relationship binding using project_id and user_id in t_ds_relation_project_user table.
  • The user_id in the t_ds_projcet table represents the user who create the project, and the user_id in the t_ds_relation_project_user table represents users who have permission to the project.
  • The user_id in the t_ds_resources table represents the user who create the resource, and the user_id in t_ds_relation_resources_user represents the user who has permissions to the resource.
  • The user_id in the t_ds_udfs table represents the user who create the UDF, and the user_id in the t_ds_relation_udfs_user table represents a user who has permission to the UDF.

Project - Tenant - ProcessDefinition - Schedule


  • A project can have multiple process definitions, and each process definition belongs to only one project.
  • A tenant can be used by multiple process definitions, and each process definition must select only one tenant.
  • A workflow definition can have one or more schedules.

Process Definition Execution


  • A process definition corresponds to multiple task definitions, which are associated through t_ds_process_task_relation and the associated key is code + version. When the pre-task of the task is empty, the corresponding pre_task_node and pre_task_version are 0.
  • A process definition can have multiple process instances t_ds_process_instance, one process instance corresponds to one or more task instances t_ds_task_instance.
  • The data stored in the t_ds_relation_process_instance table is used to handle the case that the process definition contains sub-processes. parent_process_instance_id represents the id of the main process instance containing the sub-process, process_instance_id represents the id of the sub-process instance, parent_task_instance_id represents the task instance id of the sub-process node. The process instance table and the task instance table correspond to the t_ds_process_instance table and the t_ds_task_instance table, respectively.