
If you need Telegram to alert, create an alert instance in the alert instance management, and choose the Telegram plugin. The following shows the Telegram configuration example:


Parameter Configuration

WebHookThe WebHook of Telegram when use robot to send message.
botTokenThe access token of robot.
chatIdSub Telegram Channel.
parseModeMessage parse type (support txt, markdown, markdownV2, html).
EnableProxyEnable proxy sever.
ProxyThe proxy address of the proxy server.
PortThe proxy port of proxy server.
UserAuthentication(Username) for the proxy server.
PasswordAuthentication(Password) for the proxy server.


The webhook needs to be able to receive and use the same JSON body of HTTP POST that DolphinScheduler constructs and the following shows the JSON body:

  1. {
  2. "text": "[{\"projectId\":1,\"projectName\":\"p1\",\"owner\":\"admin\",\"processId\":35,\"processDefinitionCode\":4928367293568,\"processName\":\"s11-3-20220324084708668\",\"taskCode\":4928359068928,\"taskName\":\"s1\",\"taskType\":\"SHELL\",\"taskState\":\"FAILURE\",\"taskStartTime\":\"2022-03-24 08:47:08\",\"taskEndTime\":\"2022-03-24 08:47:09\",\"taskHost\":\"\",\"logPath\":\"\"}]",
  3. "chat_id": "chat id number"
  4. }
