Flink Calls Operating steps

Create a queue

  1. Log in to the scheduling system, click “Security”, then click “Queue manage” on the left, and click “Create queue” to create a queue.
  2. Fill in the name and value of the queue, and click “Submit”

Flink - 图1

Create a tenant

  1. 1. The tenant corresponds to a Linux user, which the user worker uses to submit jobs. If Linux OS environment does not have this user, the worker will create this user when executing the script.
  2. 2. Both the tenant and the tenant code are unique and cannot be repeated, just like a person has a name and id number.
  3. 3. After creating a tenant, there will be a folder in the HDFS relevant directory.

Flink - 图2

Create a user

Flink - 图3

Create a token

  1. Log in to the scheduling system, click “Security”, then click “Token manage” on the left, and click “Create token” to create a token.

Flink - 图4

  1. Select the “Expiration time” (Token validity), select “User” (to perform the API operation with the specified user), click “Generate token”, copy the Token string, and click “Submit”

Flink - 图5

Use token

  1. Open the API documentation page

    Address:http://{api server ip}:12345/dolphinscheduler/doc.html?language=en_US&lang=en

Flink - 图6

  1. Select a test API, the API selected for this test: queryAllProjectList

    projects/query-project-list >

  2. Open Postman, fill in the API address, and enter the Token in Headers, and then send the request to view the result

    1. token: The Token just generated

Flink - 图7

User authorization

Flink - 图8

User login


Flink - 图9

Upload the resource

Flink - 图10

Create a workflow

Flink - 图11

Flink - 图12

Flink - 图13

Flink - 图14

View the execution result

Flink - 图15

View log

Flink - 图16