
Create project

  • Click “Project Management” to enter the project management page, click the “Create Project” button, enter the project name, project description, and click “Submit” to create a new project.

    Project List - 图1

Project home

  • Click the project name link on the project management page to enter the project home page, as shown in the figure below, the project home page contains the task status statistics, process status statistics, and workflow definition statistics of the project. The introduction for those metric:

  • Task status statistics: within the specified time range, count the number of task instances as successful submission, running, ready to pause, pause, ready to stop, stop, failure, success, fault tolerance, kill, and waiting threads

  • Process status statistics: within the specified time range, count the number of the status of the workflow instance as submission success, running, ready to pause, pause, ready to stop, stop, failure, success, fault tolerance, kill, and waiting threads

  • Workflow definition statistics: Count the workflow definitions created by this user and the workflow definitions granted to this user by the administrator

    Project List - 图2