Docker Swarm API

Docker Swarm API是最兼容 Docker Remote API的。这篇文档是两者间的差别概述。

缺失的端点(Missing endpoints)

一些端点还没实现会返回 404 错误.

  1. GET "/images/get"
  2. GET "/containers/{name:.*}/attach/ws"
  3. POST "/build"
  4. POST "/images/load"

行为不同的端点(Endpoints which behave differently)

  • GET “/containers/{name:.*}/json”: 多出了Node字段:

    “Node”: {

    2. "Ip": "",
    3. "Addr": "",
    4. "Name": "vagrant-ubuntu-saucy-64",
    5. },
  • GET “/containers/{name:.*}/json”: 如果 HostIP 是0.0.0.0,HostIP 被真正的节点IP代替。
  • GET “/containers/json”: 节点名字充当容器名字
  • GET “/containers/json”: 如果 HostIP 是0.0.0.0,HostIP 被真正的节点IP代替。
  • GET “/containers/json” : Containers started from the swarm official image are hidden by default, use all=1 to display them.
  • GET “/images/json” : 使用 ‘—filter node=\‘展现特殊节点的镜像