Docker Hub Enterprise 管理员指南
System Health
“System Health” 页签显示了可利用资源的图表。CPU和RAM使用情况在顶部就能看到,更加详细的时间序列图表将后续支持。你可以鼠标滑上报表查看星系的数据点。
点击一个服务名称(例如”load_balancer”, “admin_server”等)将显示网络、CPU和内存使用数据对于指定的服务。查看如下detailed explanation of the available services。
“Logs” 页签查看和你DHE相关的日志信息。你将看到不同服务的日志信息。老的和新的日志通过华东滚动条都可以看到。查看如下detailed explanation of the available services。
在正常使用过程中,DHE会生成使用数据和异常报告。这些信息会被docker Inc.收集并帮助我们事务的本质以及解决bug并提升我们的产品。特别地,Docker Inc收集如下信息:
- Error logs
- Crash logs
如果你的认证或者公有权限能访问DHE网页突然停止了,但是你的DHE管理容器缺是依然运行着的,你可以添加一个 ambassador container来获得一个临时非安全访问。
$ docker run --rm -it --link docker_hub_enterprise_admin_server:admin -p 9999:80 svendowideit/ambassador
说明:本指南假设你可以运行Docker命令从一个含有docker group的用户或者具有root权限的机器上。换句话说,你需要添加sudo在示例命令前。
你将通过端口9999访问你的DHE server:
DHE运行数个Docker服务。这些服务,你可以通过 System Health 和 Logs页查询到运行情况。
- admin_server: Used for displaying system health, performing upgrades, configuring settings, and viewing logs.
- load_balancer: Used for maintaining high availability by distributing load to each image storage service (image_storage_X).
- log_aggregator: A microservice used for aggregating logs from each of the other services. Handles log persistence and rotation on disk.
- image_storage_X: Stores Docker images using the Docker Registry HTTP API V2. Typically, multiple image storage services are used in order to provide greater uptime and faster, more efficient resource utilization.
DHE system management
The dockerhubenterprise/manager image is used to control the DHE system. This image uses the Docker socket to orchestrate the multiple services that comprise DHE.
$ sudo bash -c "$(sudo docker run dockerhubenterprise/manager [COMMAND])"
Supported commands are: install, start, stop, restart, status, and upgrade.
Note: sudo is needed for dockerhubenterprise/manager commands to ensure that the Bash script is run with full access to the Docker host.
Next Steps
For information on installing DHE, take a look at the Installation instructions.